Bridget, I miss you already!

by Bendrr 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • rocketman

    I'm sad that Bridgette's leaving, and I'd love for her to come back soon. I do understand, I think, why she feels the way she does right now. I think one things she said that was very telling, in my view, was that she said she had actually lost sleep at times over what was said here. When that happens, it may indeed be time to step back.

    Miss ya SP!!

  • Xandria

    We all don't want SP to go and want her back. But, the fact is she was not made to feel welcome any more. One does get the message loud and clear when one is told to shut up by the form administrator.

    That in its self is hurtful. What ever the disagreement or grudge Simon has agains SP~ should not have come out like this on the board. If Simon resented something or disliked something he should of discussed it w/ SP privately and as an adult. Rather than lash out as he has done. He makes these rules on the board and expects everyone to follow them. Yet, breaks his own rules time after time. Yes, I know we are human. But come on here..

    1. Insulting, threatening or provoking language
    2. Inciting hatred on the basis of race, religion, gender, nationality or sexuality or other personal characteristic.
    SP has a personal characteristic to challenge people to make them think. If this annoys and makes you angry. Perhaps you need to step back and find the reason why.

    Is she hitting a sore spot ? Is she nailing your conscience? Perhaps what is annoying is that she actually may have a point and the subborn part of you doesn't wish to recognize it. So instead of addressing the issue you attack the poster. It happens~ but in this case to tell someone to shut up rather than discuss what is bothering you about the situation is wrong.

    Simon you may delete me~ or what ever, I really don't care! But, I am going to tell you. You need to apologize to SP for telling her to Shut up. That is not only disrespectful, but antagonistic. You would not like for me to tell you the same.

    Do you wish to be know as a rude host? After all you claim this place is about healing. You just cause someone some hurt, in the most hurtful of ways. I thought you of all people Simon, would have a bit of manners. There is after all, decorum. An you just crossed the line on this one. There was and is a much better way of handling something like this. As you know we are all growing and learning. To silence~ someone like this. Made it very clear she is not welcome. As for many posters here~ we like SP, we like her thought provoking posts and debates. We want to be able to work through the hard subjects, as well as the fun ones. This is what makes this board what it is. The Posters.

    I am calling you on your behavior and telling you that you were wrong on this one.

    Just because you are the Administrator of this Board doesn't mean you have cart blanche to treat a person any way you feel like. You would not have a site with out the participation of the posters of this board.

    There is an open wound here~ and we are losing valuable people. If they move on b/c they are ready that is one thing. If they are being harmful to the point of no return that is another~ but because you don't like someone. Come on~ that is cutting your nose off to spite your face.


  • teejay

    Stinky left?

  • Xandria

    She is seriously thinking about it. Which is a sad thing.


  • Simon


    I have already explained why I said that. SP was making a big fuss about someone being deceptive and deceitful via PM which was making people suspicious or at least uncomfortable. I spent a lot of time looking into it because I take things seriously and because of the harm things like that have done in the past. After all the time and effort spent trying to help her and she then turned round and claimed it was all 'hypothetical'. She has since changed her story again and now claims that it wasn't. I don't know what game she is playing but I don't appreciate it.

    I appologise for the hurt but I stand by my opinion - she should have been honest about the topic from the beginning or said what her complaint was so it could be sorted. I still don't see the point of that topic as it would just arouse suspicions and make people uncomfortable for no reason.

    It is up to SP what she does. I hope she decides to stay and let things drop. I think this whole thing has been blown way out of proportion.

  • onacruse


    It is up to SP what she does. I hope she decides to stay and let things drop. I think this whole thing has been blown way out of proportion.

    I offer mho in's sometimes very hard to "bury the hatchet"...but perhaps we can just let this go, and start from a clean slate?


  • Simon

    Yes, I am more than willing to let it go. In fact, I only reply to these posts that others raise. As often is the case, it's been made into a much bigger deal than it is because other people have jumped onto it to have a go.

    SP will need to stop all the little comments and digs though which I am getting a little tired of.

  • teenyuck
    SP will need to stop all the little comments and digs though which I am getting a little tired of.

    Are we all going to have to stop?

    I mean really, this is silly. She is not pushing any buttons anymore than a *few* other people here do, regularly.

    *Little comments and digs* are what make up 95% of many peoples online vocabulary here. Stinky does it only once in a me.

    *When the dig is on-line, you can't do time.....*

    (pretend it's Johhny Cochran...You'll get it!)

  • donkey

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