Is there a statute of Limitation on serious sin
by dancnfool_60 12 Replies latest jw friends
no. If the elders find out about it, they still HAVE to deal with what you did judicially.
Pork Chop
That's not quite correct. If it's been more than three years and you've been pure as the driven snow since, they can let it go.
i don't know the answer since i have been away for years, but just wanted to welcome you. i hope you find the answers you seek, and that they bring peace of mind.
best wishe, nowisee
Hey Pork Chop:
That's not quite correct. If it's been more than three years and you've been pure as the driven snow since, they can let it go.
Almost correct ... they can let it go after 2 or 3 years, only if you are an Elder or MS. - Jim W.
Pork Chop
Amazing as far as I know this was originally mentioned in connection with Elders and Ministerial Servants but it is not necessarily restricted to those two groups. The particular application to Elders and Ministerial Servants is that they do not have to be removed. At least that's the way I got it from the CO. Of course it's not a blanket rule and there may be factors, like conspiracy, that indicate that judicial action should still be taken.
Hi Pork Chop: Ahhhhh ... I must have missed the new light. I posted on this topic about a year or two ago with KM School Flock Book notes, and the Kingdom Ministry ... so I guess the WTS finally is allowing the rank & file to experience some morsel of flexibility ... thanks for the update. - Jim W.
It also depends on what you had to do to hide the sin in the meantime. Or if you were sinning while posing as a good dub, thus establishing a pattern of deceit.
If a person committed a serious sin 3 plus yrs. ago, my recollection was that it still would be dealt with. I remember that subject being brought up in the context of a person being inactive for a number of years and then expressing that they had committed a serious sin. Let's say it was "adultery". Would the elders say,"Well, this happened 3 long years ago and we would've never known about it unless it was brought up, so we just don't have to deal with it". What about the wife knowing about this? What about whether she chooses not to forgive him? .....What if a person admitted murder, theft, or child abuse? Would the response simply be, "Well, these things happened over 3 years ago so we can't or won't do anything about it?"
Here is the scoop: go to my article that discussed in detail the Kingdom Minitry tyhat applies this rule exclusivelky to Elders and the KM school applied to MS also.