Great men/women don't run for office.
They understand that necessary compromises to appease special interst groups will dilute their most noble intentions. They also know that they will be scruitinized under a microscope and fabrications will be published to discredit them. As a result, the country gets men/women who use their office as a means to enrich themselves at taxpayer expense. Insider trading in congress is illegal but still occurs. DOJ looks the other way depending on the party affiliation. Market confidence is evaporating like spit on a hot sidewalk. National debt is approximately $30 trillion - an amount that cannot be paid back in anyones lifetime. Under the table deals with China by the family members of office holders abound. Meanwhile inflation soars while the administration says it is 0%. Hundreds of thousand of immigrants cross the border and get immediate free reign of the country while those who apply legally stand in line. Bills are mis-labeled as 'Inflation fighting' when they actually stoke more inflation. No bail policies encourage criminals to repeat offend many times a day. Police resign in record numbers. What is the answer? Why is all this happening?
Great men/women don't run for office.