So many moments of doubts and incredibility, yet suppressed and pushed back (for years!) as evil, independent thinking...
But, some of them:
- the allowance of BLOOD FRACTIONS! How did that make sense? What happened to “being faithful in what is least”..? And, not letting “ The little bit of poison from the world taint us/ spot us...”?
- and yes, the REVELATION BOOK, and its constant emphasis on the governing body/ faithful slave, and the nations fearing them and the clergy gnashing their teeth over their glorious, condemnatory proclamations... (I wasn’t aware of any of these JW plagues against our religion, lol)
- and the LOCUS PLAGUE being... JWs? With the witnessing work? This was us? ... climbing over the walls, into the rooftops, etc ... and this was the description or our glorious, sacred, witnessing work? A locust plague??
- and JESUS being the rider on the white horse as the leader (seemingly) of all the hellacious plagues and woes to follow him...
Oh, So much twisted reasoning, so much cognitive dissonance....
- oh yes, and as already mentioned, how we never placed or were taught to specially present BIBLES, always literature.
- and, when In field service, sitting in a coffee shop FULL of people to talk to, yet sitting *silently* at our table “as a Witness”.... Then go back to knocking on empty houses. (What happened to “witnessing in the market place” ....? and how does standing SILENTLY holding up a magazine compare to Paul and Peter’s example.... blah blah blah.
- and why count time in field service anyway? What happened to, “... you received free, give free” and “not let your right hand know what the left is doing” and “not be like those who trumpet their good deeds before others, blah blah” (.... and the time counted never seemed right or accurate or honest...)
- and why take such shoddy care (read: NON-CARE) of elderly, sick, disabled, etc.? Why so dependent on “Caesar” when so contemptuous of Caesar...?
- and why have TITLES and more titles and special, SECRET BOOKS??
- if meetings are supposed to be so refreshing, why did I not feel refreshed??
- and the scripture from Ecclesiastes something: “ the making of many books, there is no end, and the pursuit of them is wearying to the flesh.” So, hmmmmmm....
Geez... it took a lot for me to wake up..... 👀😢👀