Sports provide an escape from all the day to day bullshit we all deal with. The world can have crazy things happen in it, but we can ignore it all and watch a great ball game. Now that those morons have brought politics into every game, I’m turned off, fuck em all.
Sports Games Postponed Because of Police Shootings
by minimus 25 Replies latest jw friends
I’m turned off too. I’d like to see what would happen if the tide turned and suddenly they weren’t given ridiculous salaries. Maybe then they would say the show must go on. Nobody wants to lose their job.
It's thoughtful of the teams to cancel the games tonight so everyone will have the opportunity to tune in to watch the great President Donald J. Trump give his speech as the Republicans close out their convention. God bless the professional athletes!
Just stop wasting your money and time watching professional sports. All they do is push political correctness--starting with what used to be basketball but is now political correctness ball in 2014. That was the end of professional basketball for me--since when do I owe someone that might not fit a particular scene the chance to ruin that scene, under threat of losing my job and livelihood?
Then kneeling out of contempt for the National Anthem in football? It is one thing when the national anthem plays on a PA system in the music mix, and you keep shopping or working. It is another when they specifically play it before a game, specifically giving people the occasion to stand at attention, and the players kneel for it. Spectators, I can see if they don't believe in it, remaining seated--but not the players or those working at such venues. They are supposed to stand at attention during this, except in the event of an actual emergency (such as medical emergency) where those responding to it would appropriately keep working. But not the players.
They can strike all they want, and I do not give a f***. Anyone wanting to watch these sports should simply watch high school or college sports, or informal home games where a bunch of players simply plays the game. I would not feel bad at all if the clippers just lose or forfeit every single game, and the whole league goes under. If you are interested in the game, there is nothing stopping you from playing it yourself or watching smaller teams playing. It is just as fun, you don't waste enough money to buy a Mack Truck full of groceries or a few tubs of silver, and you are not supporting political correctness.
Lets Think
Defund pro sports, that I am on side with
Sport celebrities are like Hollywood celebrities. Who cares what they think about anything??
NBA and NFL can both fail. The US has always been an anomaly, controlled by the media and big corporations and pushed into watching crappy substandard sports just so people can have more advertising slots and selll expensive equipment.
Real football, aka soccer, is what the entire rest of the world watches (plus some Cricket and Rugby). Now is the time for the US to get with the program.
Real football, aka soccer, is what the entire rest of the world watches
@Simon ....
I really try to watch it. I have a couple of Messi shirts I bought in Barcelona a couple of years ago.
But I get sick and tired of watching young, strong athletes in soccer rolling around on the ground, getting touched by someone, and looking like they need to have their leg amputated.
In American football, you get hit by a guy running full speed, your helmet goes flying off, you land on the ground, a fractured rib or two, then get up and laugh at the other guy and spit in his face. You don't roll around and pretend you are injured. Play golf or tennis instead.
You live in Canada. Do you think when a guy playing hockey without half of his teeth gets smashed into the boards and "plays dead" on the ice? No, he gets up like a person with some self-respect, throws his gloves off, and beats the shit out of the other guy.
I guess soccer players are too fragile when it comes to contact sports. I can't picture rugby guys acting like that. Soccer guys are always hurt.
Anony Mous
It's good, since I don't watch pro sports and they'll be hurting for cash pretty quickly. Off course the BLM leaders aren't going to be hurting for cash, people like LeBron James, who is instigating the NBA to cancel, is worth $1B
Yes, he's in the top 0.001% of Americans, along with a disproportionate amount of blacks in the NBA making more than a million per year.
The person it is going to hurt is the black inner city kid that got a scholarship and a 1 year contract during which he has to show his skill and get hired by a team. If he's not playing, he's not getting that contract or scholarship and his knees will be shot for the rest of his life in a last ditch attempt to get Biden elected.
Pete Zahut
Weren't these games cancelled anyway because of Covid?