Because of Covid you could not attend in the arena but they would still be playing and you could see them on TV
Sports Games Postponed Because of Police Shootings
by minimus 25 Replies latest jw friends
I have a hard time listening to a bunch of people whose income is roughly 1000x mine bitching about the country that makes such a thing possible. Watching this reminds me of a great scene in Mel Brooks "Blazing Saddles" Clevon Little holding a gun to his own head "Stay back or the N----- gets it."
They are just games. If you don't watch the games then they are just words and actions
that would never affect you. But if you don't watch and care beyond normal, you may have
NBA Derangement Syndrome.
They are not the brightest bunch.
One day, they can't play because they are just so devastated by the huge number of police killings (reality: a tiny handful) and then suddenly, when they are reminded that the will lose 25% of their massive salaries, they have decided that they have proved their point and will go back to playing.
Was anything "solved" in that time?
And the problem of demanding that something be fixed that isn't broken ... you can never get your way, you can never win. There are hardly any unjustified shootings of blacks by police. The only way to "fix" that is to have many, many more black people killed.
Don't look to basketball players for social guidance - they are just rich idiots.
Also, these supposed self-appointed protectors of morality don't seem to give a shit about the atrocities that China commits. Oh right, they get a lot of revenue from China, which makes anything they do OK.
Geez, it's almost like they only care about the money ...
I for one won't ever watch another game!!!
Absolutely ridiculous. This is how you know these overpaid crybabies have lost the plot to this story. So when multiple children are killed in drive-by shootings in Chicago on any given weekend, there is nothing said. Game on as usual. But if a criminal is killed by the police, then it deserves the world to stop. What nonsense. I'm happy that all the ratings are down.