A 2 million year old hominid has been discovered that had cancer in its foot - making it the oldest neoplasia found in the human lineage. Now, as to why cancer predates original sin by nearly 2 million years, I'd love to hear Christian Apologists try and explain.
Cancer has been with us for a long time
by Coded Logic 32 Replies latest social current
The most desperate theist arguments when presented with evidence like this:
Can you prove that god didn't create it to test our faith?
There are people that believe he created fake dinosaur bones and the light rays coming from distant universes.
What's the point of being able to reason if you literally can't believe what you see. Why give us a brain and then go to extraordinary attempts to fool us? Why be able to get all this trivia right and then have the holy book full of gaping plot holes. LOL
Amazing science of course ...
Interesting reading....
It seems the demons have deceived you with quackery and science. Why put your faith in 2 million year old cancers?
The earth is young and Jesus is real.
I always read the articles that Perry copy pastes, so I am absolutely qualified to dismiss everything anyone says.
You know, I had never put this together until just now...
what do you do with the obvious evidence of disease in the fossil record which predates the Bible account?
Preadamics werent perfect.
Are you reading apostate news...?
You can't trust carbon dating. At least that's what the GB tells me.
Reading things like this knocks the perfection myth down.
Coded Logic, take note, according to Wiki Australopithecus sediba is classified as a primate which may have lived in savannas, eating fruit and other foods from the forest—behavior similar to modern-day savanna chimpanzees, thus non-human.
Vidqun - Australopithecus, literally "Southern Apes" were hominin ancestors of our genus. They walked upright.
Australopithecus sediba shows features of the transition from partial arboreality to one primarily adapted to bipedal walking.
We have an embarrassment of riches of pre-human fossils. Even if we had none at all, the conclusive proof of human evolution from non-human ancestors is in your DNA.