I would suggest that the org already started a change of plan with COs. In the local circuit it has been common for the present and previous CO both to be regularly substituted by local circuit elders whilst they go off to do schools elsewhere. The current CO is leaving his assignment early to go and do schools in Ireland. On his recent visit he was not even present on the Saturday am field service as he had another assignment. No one other than the elders knew in advance as no doubt it would have affected attendance.
At the moment this type of situation seems informal but if this rumour has any legs then I would agree with view that the travelling aspect of the CO may diminish to be replaced by local substitutes (as already happens) and add that Kingdom Schools for elders may increase in regularity. There has just been a round of WEEK long schools - incredible that the WTS would compel elders to take a whole week off work to discuss whatever they think they need to discuss.
The local substitutes would handle basic service orientated things, maybe present a video from the org and so on. Schools would then be used to drive home procedural compliance and reinforce dogma.