Dad flew home this morning

by Simon 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Simon

    We have a suitcase and a hard drive full of photo's (I'll bore you with some of the better ones if you want) You can't help taking pictures.

    When you see the photo's you sometimes magine that they must be touched up - the water is almost flourescent blue but no, that really is what it's like!

    The criteria changed a few years ago so it's points based now but you do get some points for having relatives in Canada. The points requirements threshold was raised a couple of years ago though (some say to cut down on the large backlog of applications) so right now it's quite hard to get in unless you have very good qualifications and / or a job offer etc.

    There are several types of application though: Skilled worker, Familly class, Enterpeneur (some special allowance for people doing cultural work such as art)

    It is a long flight and it really hits how big the country is ... it takes about 3 hours to get to Canada and then 5 or 6 to fly across it to the bit you want! We were terrified too, more because we had the two little 'uns but they loved it and were good as gold. It's a long day though - get a direct flight if you can to avoid changing in Heathrow (the armpit of the world).

    Some special offers here:

    You're right Cathy ... we need to make time for family and see them when we can.

  • run dont walk
    run dont walk
    My dad has been over from Canada

    where abouts, if you don't mind me asking???

  • run dont walk
    run dont walk
    may brave the winter to see what it's like !

    it's not that bad here, if you go, go during July-Sept, snow doesn't start till about Jan-Feb, yeah I am not kidding, mind you we did have a big snowstrom in May, again !!!

  • run dont walk
    run dont walk
    Anyone else have close family far away or abroad? How often do you see them?

    I had to literally get away from them and the congregation, moved 2000 miles across the country, and have seen them a few times in 13 years. Well, their loss, they are in the borg so deep, I don't even recognize them anymore, they view me as more or less dead, and I view them the same way, sad but true, that's just the way it goes, life isn't fair sometimes, and I am over it now, I think.

  • run dont walk
    run dont walk
    We have gravitated towards Calgary which is a very attractive, neat city

    damn right it is, hey that's where I live, not being bias am I ??? it is agreat city, the thing with Calgary is, half the people are from somewhere else, B.C., Ontario, Quebec, Saskatchewan etc, I don't meet many that were born and raised here.

    but Vancouver is pretty awesome too by all accounts

    It is, but VERY EXPENSIVE, don't kid yourself, 2-3 X of Calgary, especially housing !!!!

  • donkey


    So you really want to live under a socialist government?


  • Simon

    Well, governments come and go. I think Canadians have a healthy dislike of theirs.

    Of all countries, Canada seems to be most liked by it's inhabitants (ie. fewer Canadians want to leave). The UK has a very high percentage of people who say they would leave if they could.

    Maybe the two things are related?

  • caspian

    Count me in

    I would love to move to Canada


  • Billygoat

    I live thousands of miles away from my parents. They live in Hawaii, I in Texas. My mother called me for the first time in months just a few weeks ago. She was informing me of the next family "trip" to Missouri to visit the grandparents. Mom and Dad are pay for my brothers to visit too. (My great-grandmother is in ill-health and in her 90's. We don't know how much longer she may be here.) I asked Mom, "So...why are you telling me this? Is it an invitationto join or a warning to stay away?" She said, "Take as you will, but I just thought you might want to know that we'll be close by." The more I think about it, the more I realize I really don't have any desire to see them. At first I felt obligated to go because my husband has never met them and I thought he should. But knowing how abusive my household was growing up, he doesn't have much desire to go either.

    It's amazing how I think I'm doing so well and then one little 5-minute phone call sets me back in weeks/months of therapy. Too many memories. Too much pain. I'd rather my family just go away and leave me and my life alone. If they never called me again I'd be better off.

  • MegaDude

    *breathes sigh of relief*

    Yea, Andi!!!!!!!

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