Would you rather??

by SheilaM 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I'd rather have nothing than the insincere apology

    I don't mind an explaination for their behavior as long as they accept responsiblity for it

    It is those apologies that come with one hand and then take with the other. I still have nothing

    worse is the apology that goes "I apologize but you deserved it" in some form or other

    I toss those right back at em. They aren't worth the time to stand and listen to.

  • Prisca

    An apology is recognition of one's actions and the consequences of their actions, and an expression of regret over those actions/consequences.

    Anyone can have a bad day and say a cross word or two, but if they refuse to take responsibility for their actions/words, particularly if they have hurt someone then there is a problem.

    If someone said to me, "I'm sorry for snapping at you, I wasn't feeling well and I didn't mean it," then I'd take it as a sincere apology, but if they said "I'm sorry that you're upset but if you hadn't looked at me that way....," then it's more of an excuse than a sincere apology. Maybe there might be something that needs to be discussed, but that would still not constitute an apology, it would merely be a discussion of why things were said/done.

  • minimus

    I'd rather have a sincere apology over anything else. But, I know of some people that try to extract a point by point type of apology and that could create contention. Usually, if a person apologizes for something, I try to accept it and move on.

  • Swan

    I'm sorry, I forgot the question and your threads just aren't really important enough to have to scroll back to the top.

    Just kidding!

    No apology is better than a lame one any day!


  • Thunder Rider
    Thunder Rider

    I try to make a point of acting and speaking in a way as to minimize the need to make apologies. When the need arises that old Thunder must eat some crow, my words are truly sincere. Trouble is some folks put their foot in their mouth so often that their apologies become by rote and empty. Being forgiven for their transgressions, large or small for so long has given them the false belief that their words are taken at face value.

    I don't take offense easily, nor do take any $&!# from anyone. People being people though sometimes I get rubbed the wrong way. I would rather not have to be apologized to, but when the situation arises, I would rather have no apology than an insincere one.



  • SheilaM

    Tammy LOL

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