Has the Governing Body ever been right?

by Jules Saturn 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Jules Saturn
    Jules Saturn

    I asked this question to a relative after mentioning several situations where teachings were changed or readjusted (new light) and they have two reasons. Yes, they are correct because look at how the preaching work has grown through the decades and the advancements in witnessing and the second reason was the doctrine of the trinity and how the Society opposes that. I didn’t really have a response, especially for the trinity doctrine.

    Does the Governing Body have the rejection of the trinity belief correct?


  • _Morpheus

    Even a stopped clock is right twice a day

  • punkofnice
    Jules - Yes, they are correct because look at how the preaching work has grown through the decades and the advancements in witnessing

    I spose this is down to a bit of personal bias on their part because it just isn't true.

    and the second reason was the doctrine of the trinity and how the Society opposes that.

    I didn’t really have a response, especially for the trinity doctrine. Does the Governing Body have the rejection of the trinity belief correct?

    I am not a believer anymore, but when I was, this was a bit complicated.

    The short answer is that the GB have not a clue what trinity is.

    Their idea of trinity is actually 'modalism' NOT the trinity as such.

  • Jules Saturn
    Jules Saturn

    In regards to the point of the preaching work growing or having success I was going to point to the growth the witnesses have had in recent years in comparison to decades ago and also how the preaching work is still under ban in several countries. The trinity issue is a hard one to comment on

  • fulano

    The GB is not right or wrong. They are the wajangs or muppets from the real "thinkers". I am pretty sure if you would ask a Herd or a Lett to explain you in detail the overlapping generation theory, they would have a real struggle. Look at Jackson when interviewed, he could not even defense himself with the NWT, not to speak about with a regular translation.

  • blownaway

    As far as I know the society has changed the translation of the bible from what is accepted to support the non trinity belief. So they kind of changed the rules to the game so they could win like Cpt. Kirk did. Not really correct. As far as the preaching work goes they are not really expanding, they seem to grow when tensions are very high in the world and a lot of change or war is going on then when predictions fail they take a dump. As far as growth they are only breeding new members at any real rate. Not really keeping up with population. So as far as I am concerned my opinion is they do not even have smoke and mirrors. Its all BS

  • WTWizard

    Even when they are right, they take the wrong side. For instance, it is really true that Christmas is about worshiping the sun. But, observing this is observing nature. Working against nature is detrimental to one's soul, so yes one really should observe the rebirth of the sun.

    It is also true that the Latin cross is pagan. In fact, it represents the upper chakras. The Latin cross is a diagram of the throat, 6th, and crown chakras (the long side) and the temple chakras (the short side). They did get that right that this cross is pagan, but they deliberately took the wrong side of it so people could not get anything out of it.

  • stuckinarut2

    The only thing the GB or their predecessors got correct was:

    "Religion is a snare and a racket!"

  • Crazyguy

    I have researched this and I can not find one decade in their history where they taught things that held true or didn’t have to be changed later because of it not being accurate.

    As far as their preaching work, you can look at 1 Corinthians chapter 15 and it explains in detail what the good news is. JWs don’t preach the good news.

    Point 2. The first three councils delt with the evolution of Christ finally saying he was both man and god part of a three personality. Yes thier are scriptures the seem to indicate jesus separate from his father, but I believe this is because the scriptures where written and changed over time to reflect the early Christians beliefs as they evolved over time. For example One can see changes about his birth and mother from gospel to gospel. Having a human mother was a later idea possible inserted after the council of Ephesus.

  • flipper

    " Has the Governing Body Ever Been Right " ?


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