Just curious about how faithful women are these days. Anybody know?

by Alostpuppydog 30 Replies latest social relationships

  • Finkelstein

    there are ALOT of 'hohos' out there

    Whats that ?

  • stillin

    Fink, ho's. Like she is a ho. A nasty ho.

  • Landy
    As for being clean I still am! But I wouldn't trust a JW girl over a worldly girl when it comes to that. Just because of what I have seen/heared from other JWs that are in the dating pool.

    Judging by your previous posts I reckon getting laid would do you the world of good. ;)

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    It has often been said that the most common reason for a JW being disfellowshipped, is fornication. And the ones that get disfellowshipped are only the ones that get found out and were deemed unrepentant.

    Don't fool yourself! JWs aren't any more faithful sexually, than members from any other bible-believing church. The JWs are just a little better at hiding their naughty behavior due to the penalty of shunning; and due to the policy of secrecy surrounding judicial committees.

  • Landy
    Don't fool yourself! JWs aren't any more faithful sexually, than members from any other bible-believing church. The JWs are just a little better at hiding their naughty behavior due to the penalty of shunning; and due to the policy of secrecy surrounding judicial committees.

    An elder friend once said to me 'if you knew what went on that never becomes congregation knowledge you would be amazed'.

    And that's just the stuff that comes to the attention of the elders.

  • AmIright

    women are more likely to cheat then men however are not usually caught. basically stems from raising offspring from the most alpha male they see.... youd be amazed how many kids men parent without the knowledge the kid isn't theres :) always get a DNA test if they don't look similar to you ;)

  • flipper

    Hi, Lostpup. This is a sore subject for me - like "don't get me started" Too late...

    I have never been a jw or religious at all as an adult. I married Flipper, a born in jw who had left. He has always been respectful and kind.

    In my 61 years I have never been unfaithful and don't know many women who have. Have never been promiscuous. I have no problem with premarital sex - a couple needs to know if they are sexually compatible. I would not want my child to find out after marriage that they married a sexual sadist for example.

    What has grated on my nerves over the years is the prejudicial attitude of some religious men that I am probably promiscuous because I am not religious. I'm talking about inappropriate remarks, leering and disrespect.

    When I was in my 20's working in a restaurant one of the Christian businessmen groups members asked me if my breasts were real. This was on his way out from their prayer breakfast. Just one example. Young women get the same crap from wordly men but they are usually drunk or just stupid.

    When the jw elders came to our door to hassle Flipper, one of them leered at me the whole time. It was nauseating.

    I've heard of a whole lot of cheating and sexual misbehavior in the jws. Wife swapping for Christ's sake. I've never heard of wife swapping anywhere else, except for Hollywood swingers in the 60's.

    I've hung out with people who are in no way conservative or religious and most have been more well behaved and trustworthy than you seem to think.

    So my point: If you want to have a nice loving relationship please have respect for the women you meet. If they turn out to not rate respect, move on.

    Mrs. Flipper

  • never a jw
    never a jw

    Being religious is quite secondary. Faithfulness mostly depends how good you are to make her happy.

  • TD
    Just curious as to what you may have seen/experienced.

    My observation is almost entirely opposite of the conventional wisdom among JW's.

    Marriage stabilizes a relationship in many ways, which is a good thing, but too much stability breeds complacency.

    It is unusual to hear a young woman complain that her boyfriend has gained ninety pounds, stopped bathing, never brings her flowers, never tells her he loves her or even talks to her anymore. And there's a reason for this.

    --Boyfriends are easily replaced.

    Conversely, it is equally unusual to hear a young man complain that his girlfriend finds fault with everything he does, refuses to have sex and spends all day playing Candy Crush Saga in a dirty, shapeless pair of sweats. And there's a reason for this too.

    --Girlfriends are easily replaced.

    These (and similar things) are all common complaints in marriage though. In the JW social system, there is very little one can do about it, so I'm a little suspicious of the idea that they experience a higher rate of fidelity. If being trapped in a sexless, loveless, unfulfilling relationship is not a recipe for EA's and PA's, I don't know what is.

  • JakeM2012

    Lost Puppy, I found this book interesting by Michelle Langley, Women's Infidelity: Living In Limbo: What Women Really Mean When They Say "I'm Not Happy". It was an eye opener for me.

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