I started studying with jw's in 1968. The old Truth book was written intentionally for Catholics. They were targeted - even the woman who studied with me told me this.
Why? During that time, a lot of Catholics were rebelling against the church. Up until the early 60's - the church was tight with their flock. If a woman died in childbirth - after her 8th baby........well, it was God's plan. yada yada.
Also, we were the hippie generation........we were "dropping out" of everything.
Also, the jw's were looked up as an "anti-establishment group" ......and this same group of young people bought into that idea. Remember the college riots, the race riots, the anti-Viet Nam riots? Yep. our generation. It would seem we were rioting against anybody/anything, eh?
Also, VietNam was going on - and our friends were being killed. We didn't understand war at all - we just knew so many of us were being drafted off to jungles.
If memory serves me - that time period was the biggest influx of Catholics into the WT.
waiting - former catholic
ps: Also, the Catholic Church is a high-control group. So are JW's. Just like when we marry - we *tend* to go back into what we know.....whether we know it or not. "tend" is an important word, btw.