Uumm ... and back to the point of the thread, I highly recommend Carl Olof Jonson’s works. If one can also grab a copy of “The Gentile Times Reconsidered”, it’s absolutely worthy reading.
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by StarTrekAngel 12 Replies latest watchtower bible
Plus, me, my wife and my son have gone through so much in our lives that we want more distancing from the JW past and anti-JW activism as time goes by. We have made a conscious effort to get more “normal”
Hey Edenone I’m so glad to see you’re doing ok. You really did go through a hell of a lot. I remember some of it. I’m glad you’re still around. You were always the voice of sanity!
This is the reason. Even a simple request for a book turns into a political thread. Don't read this as a rant. You all got the freedom to do as you please. As for me, I miss the old days on this site. When we were purely concentrated on helping people wake up or support them thru their struggle.
Sometimes I simply feel that if I was to be a new awaken JW today, I would have a much harder time than I did. Simply coming in here and having to filter thru the politics would mean I would have a much more difficult process learning and finding support to my issues. I even question if all this political rants don't scare away potential escapees that are just lurking in the shadows. I know many of us started this way when we still carried the fear of reading apostate material.