For those who have the WT-CD or the hard copy indexes, the WTS buries their retractions under the word, "clarification(s)". Search using "adjustment(s)" as well.
of Beliefs1872, ransom: jv 718
1880, hell: w89 3/15 19-20
1881, Jehovah: jv 123
soul: jv 127; w87 9/15 29
why evil is permitted: jv 123
1882, Trinity: jv 123, 125; w89 3/15 18-19; w87 9/15 29
1884, "sheep" and "goats" (Mt 25): w95 2/1 11-12
1886, "superior authorities" (Ro 13): w96 5/1 13
1907, covenants: jv 630
1917, Revelation: w95 5/15 21; jv 148
1920, time of fulfillment of Matthew 24:14: jv 292
1922, Jehovah and his messenger of the covenant inspect spiritual temple (Mal 3:1-3): w87 6/15 14
1923, "sheep" and "goats" (Mt 25): ip-2 254; w95 2/1 12-13; w95 5/15 18; jv 163-4; re 120; w86 5/15 14
1925, Armageddon: jv 140
birth of Kingdom: w95 5/15 21; jv 78-9, 138-9; re 177; w86 5/15 14
Jehovah’s and Satan’s organizations: jv 78-9; w87 6/15 19
1926, Armageddon: w95 5/15 18; jv 140-1
character development: jv 172-3
1927, "faithful and discreet slave" (Mt 24:45-47): w95 2/1 13; jv 143, 626
1928, Christmas: w95 5/15 19; jv 199
Great Pyramid of Giza (Gizeh): w00 1/1 9-10
1929, "superior authorities" (Ro 13): w96 5/1 13-14
1930, Revelation: w95 5/15 21; jv 148
1931, persons marked on forehead (Eze 9:4): ip-2 254-5; jv 165; re 120
1932, appointment of elders: w95 5/15 22; jv 213-14, 638
Jehonadab (Jonadab) class: ip-2 255; w95 2/1 13; jv 83, 165-6; re 120
"other sheep" to preach: w95 2/1 13; w95 7/1 15; jv 292; w90 12/15 13
restoration prophecies: w95 5/15 19-20; jv 141-2; w86 5/15 14
1934, covenants: jv 630
dedication for "other sheep": w95 7/1 15; jv 83; w90 12/15 13; re 120
1935, chronology: jv 632-3
"great crowd" (Re 7): w01 5/15 14-15; ip-2 255; ca01 3; w95 2/1 13-15; w95 5/15 20; jv 83-4, 166-7, 169-70, 261, 443-4; sh 358; w88 3/1 12; re 120, 122; w86 5/15 14
1936, cross: w95 5/15 20
1937, "other sheep" appointed to responsible positions: jv 216
1938, congregation organization and appointments: ip-2 317; w99 2/1 18; w95 5/15 22; jv 217-21, 639
no separate meetings for children and youths: jv 246
relative places of anointed and great crowd: w99 2/1 18
1939, neutrality: ca01 6; w95 5/15 23; jv 193; w89 3/15 21; w86 5/15 14
1941, issue of rightfulness of Jehovah’s sovereignty: jv 262; w89 3/15 21; w87 6/15 19
1942, beast ascending from abyss (Re 17:8): jv 93, 262; w88 3/1 15; re 246-8
1943, chronology: jv 133, 632-3
1944, chronology: jv 133, 632-3
congregational handling of wrongdoing: jv 187
Governing Body: jv 228-9
theocratic principles in relation to Society’s charter: jv 227-9
1945, sanctity of blood: w95 5/15 23; jv 183; w89 3/15 14
1947, polygamy: w95 2/1 16; jv 176
1950, princes (Ps 45:16): jv 76, 263
term "religion": jv 567
1952, disfellowshipping: jv 187
1953, desirable things of the nations (Hag 2:7): jv 263
Gog of Magog (Eze 38, 39): jv 263
nucleus of new earth: w95 7/1 15
1961, sanctity of blood: jv 183-4
1962, "superior authorities" (Ro 13): g00 10/22 21-3; w96 5/1 14; w95 5/15 21-2; jv 147, 198, 264; w90 11/1 11; w87 6/15 19; g87 6/8 25; w86 5/15 14
1963, Babylon the Great: jv 147-8
Revelation: w95 5/15 21; jv 148
1965, earthly resurrection: w86 5/15 14
1969, great tribulation: w99 5/1 16; w94 2/15 17-18
Revelation: w95 5/15 21; jv 148
1971, elder arrangement: w95 5/15 22; jv 106, 233
Governing Body: jv 106, 233; w90 3/15 18
1973, tobacco: yb97 136-7; w95 2/1 16-17; w95 5/15 23; jv 181
1976, employment involving gambling: w95 5/15 23; jv 180
1979, "keys of the kingdom" (Mt 16:19): w95 5/15 24
1984, sheepfolds of "fine shepherd" (Joh 10): w95 5/15 24
1985, "other sheep" declared righteous as friends of God: w95 7/1 15
1986, "great crowd" figuratively partake of Jesus’ flesh and blood (Joh 6:51-56): w87 6/15 19; w86 2/15 15-20, 30-1
1987, Christian Jubilee: w95 5/15 24; w87 1/1 18-28, 30
1988, no resurrection for dead in Sodom and Gomorrah: w88 6/1 30-1
Revelation: w95 5/15 21; jv 148
unbaptized publishers: w89 2/15 29; w88 11/15 16-20
1992, Nethinim and sons of the servants of Solomon after exile: w92 4/15 12-17, 31
1993, kings of north and south during time of the end (Da 11, 12): w93 11/1 13-23
start and end of 1,260 days (Re 11:3) and time, times, and a half (Da 7:25; 12:7): w94 8/1 31
1994, tribulation and celestial phenomena (Mt 24:29-31; Mr 13:24-27; Lu 21:25-28): w94 2/15 16-21
1995, "sheep" and "goats" (Mt 25): w95 10/15 18-28
"this generation" (Mt 24:34; Mr 13:30; Lu 21:32): w97 6/1 28; w95 11/1 10-21, 30-1
1996, civilian service in lieu of military service: yb97 16; w96 5/1 19-20
"flesh" saved through "great tribulation" (Mt 24:22): w96 8/15 15-20
1997, transfiguration vision (Mt 17; Mr 9; Lu 9): w97 5/15 9-14
1998, duration of new covenant (Heb 13:20): w98 2/1 22-3
Ezekiel’s vision of restored temple and land (Eze 40-48): w00 3/15 13-14; w99 1/15 9; w99 3/1 8-23
nations blessed through Abraham’s seed (Ge 22:18): w98 2/1 14-15
1999, ‘disgusting thing standing in a holy place’ (Mt 24:15; Mr 13:14): w99 5/1 15-20
2000, blood fractions: w00 6/15 29-31
use of one’s own blood: w00 10/15 30-1; w00 12/15 30
2001, "divorce certificate" for Judah (Isa 50:1): ip-2 152-3
‘doves to birdhouse holes’
(Isa 60:8, ): ip-2 308-9