Very interesting topic, one that has given me more pause and introspection over the years than I care to admit.
My great grandmother, and my grandmother, both deeply flawed, prideful, overbearing legends in their own minds rammed this thing down the throat of my father and mother. And of course as a fourth gen born in, the die was cast for my life. I can't disregard the fact that I followed this nonsense into my adulthood even with the nagging doubts. Can't disregard the fact that as an elder I probably bear responsibility for inflicting pain on others by way of towing the company line.
Yes, I wonder about and have little patience for people (including family members still in) who despite knowing that its a shady cult still remain in. What I have noticed though is that while still "in" they are mostly morally bankrupt despite alll the meeting attendance and field service.
I agree with you Simon, that I mostly feel pity for those still in. And I also feel gratitude for this board and all those that participate in it. It was and is a powerful force in helping me to abandon the cult and become a better person.