Is there any official announcement that Cuba branch has been opened... ?
Fidel Castro and the WT
by Hecce 143 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It has been open for a few years, they have a new Assembly Hall and are operating under relative freedom but with heavy government supervision.
Congrats for your fantastic success in Spain.
"Le estas dando candela al jarro hasta que suelte el fondo"
Is there any official announcement that Cuba branch has been opened... ?
Watchtower 15 May 1999, page 8
In September 1994, a printing operation was established in the Bethel Home in Havana. Once again, Jehovah’s Witnesses were able to meet openly and to witness from house to house. Later, in 1998 (December 1 to 7, 1998), the authorities permitted this visit of an international delegation of 18 Jehovah’s Witnesses, including three members of the Governing Body (Lloyd Barry, John Barr, and Gerrit Lösch).
When the delegation arrived at the José Martí airport in Havana, they were hospitably received by a contingent of public officials and a group from the Bethel Home, among them a brother who remembered the last visit to Cuba of a Governing Body member—Milton Henschel—in 1961. The brother was then 12 years old; he is now a traveling overseer.
The ban on JW's in Cuba was eased in 1994 - I think they are still using the original Bethel? or do they have a new one now?
I believe the first JW figures in modern times where published in the 1997 Year Book:
1996 Service Year
Population: 11,000,000
Ratio: 1-in-157
Average Publishers: 66,006
Congregations: 9452015 Service Year
Population: 11,258,597
Ratio: 1-in-117
Average Publishers: 95,825
Congregations: 1,524 -
Oh, and by the way, you really have no excuse NOT knowing about the three page article regarding the Cuban Bethel that appeared in the 15 May 1999 edition of the Watchtower I referred to in my posting above...
But, hey, if you need reminding, which I'm sure you don't - then click here for a scan....
Thanks Hecce :)
A note of interest: they will be a ban on using Fidel Castro name or figure in public monuments or places.
A blast from the past, the UMAP concentration camps mentioned:
Castro used Soviet-style gulags, known as “Military Units to Aid Production” (UMAP), to quarantine LGBT individuals, social liberals, artists, Christians, and other “counterrevolutionaries” and punish them for their individualism. In an iconic 1963 speech, Castro condemned “hipsters,” “marijuana smokers,” “guitar players with Elvis Prestleyan attitudes,” and other “degenerates.” Castro banned most Western music — including, famously, the Rolling Stones.
Going back to the Cuban saga, I will re state that a lot of unconventional things happened during that time. Sometimes the most trusted brothers proved to be not that faithful, I will give you an example.
When there were only 2 DOs serving the whole country, one of them was a brother of humble origins, well liked and very capable; on top of that he was a very handsome man. He got married way up, he was a country boy and got married to a socialite from the capital, real royalty.
His duties during that time included picking up the remittances and cash from the circuits and congregations in his district. He will take them to the Branch and return with the receipts showing that there were delivered. To the shock of the majority of the brothers it was discovered that he was pocketing some of the money by making false remittances and creating fake receipts upon returning.
This was a major scandal and he was disfellowshipped, in time he came to USA, asked for reinstatement and was told that prior to that he had to return the money that he stole. I don't know all the details but it seems like he did it because he was eventually reinstated.
This is a recent news clip from el “Diario de Cuba” a Cuban newspaper, it shows an application of the same law that was used back in the early 60s to close the KH>
La Iglesia Evangélica de Jaimanitas fue cerrada hace algunos años bajo la justificación de quejas de los vecinos por la música alta que acompañaba a las alabanzas y adoraciones, y porque en el Registro de la Propiedad ese lugar aparecía como vivienda y no como iglesia.
The Evangelical Church of Jaimanitas was closed some years ago under the justification of complaints of the neighbors by the loud music that accompanied the praises and adorations, and because in the Property Registry that place appeared as housing and not as a church.
New presidential directives aim to bring in tougher policies toward Cuba. What will the new directives mean?
President Trump unveiled the directives Friday at a speech in Miami. The Treasury and Commerce departments have 30 days to come up with a concrete plan.