It is very possible that this will bring the Cuba Government to the table, a lot of money has been invested by foreign companies in the Cuban tourist industry. The boom that was expected has never materialized and now this will kill whatever little momentum was building.
Fidel Castro and the WT
by Hecce 143 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
LoisLane looking for Superman
@Hecce. I apologize. I cannot send PM's but I would like to share something with you.
This is in referencing your post from 4 months ago when you are discussing 2 DO's in Cuba.
In Africa there was a German missionary that liked beer when it was hot. It is hot in Africa a lot.
He would take a little money from the cash drawer at Bethel to go buy himself a beer. Brooklyn from their Ivory Tower kicked this long standing hard working missionary/Bethel Elder out of the home for stealing. He had to borrow money for his and his missionary wife's passage home.
When they got home they were now snubbed by their home congregation and not only was he never appointed an Elder again, he and his wife were strikingly hardly ever, called on to comment no matter how many hands were up or if no one had their hands up to comment.
They were ignored.
The Governing Body are such fat cats. Every bodily comfort is theirs.
That former missionary is dead now. Before Alzheimer's attacked his brain, I wonder if he woke up to TTATT.
Hi Lois
Nice corresponding with you, sad the experience of the missionary. It is possible that he was targeted for something else and that was just an excuse to get him out of the way. On the other hand the WT is unmerciful as far as money matters, they don't allow any sort of chicanery.
Bungi Bill
One can't help but note that the 1960 Awake talked like the communist movements all over the world were under the direct beck and call of Moscow. In fact, this was by no means the case. Not even all of Eastern Europe was under the direction of the Soviet Union:
- e.g. Yugoslavia had very much "done its own thing" from the word go, and Albania gravitated towards the Peoples Republic of China.
Furthermore, by 1960 (if not before) China had very much parted company with Moscow.
So much for Crazy Fred's ideas about "The King of the North"! (Though to be fair, he wasn't the only one misled by ideas about the "Communist Bloc" being led by the Soviet Union. Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger both had deluded ideas about being able to get the Soviet Union to "call off" the North Vietnamese, and thus end the Vietnam War).
Bungi Bill
Thanks for the input, it is truth that at that time the world political situation was a little bit more complicated that the Awake representations.
Fidel Castro's eldest son 'Fidelito' commits suicide
On 1/1/2019 the Revolution reached 60 years of age; I don't want to comment on the political aspect of that matter. Just a brief report about the JW work over there:
Pop: 11.480.000
Pubs: 95.031
Ave: 121
Inc. %: 0
The increase is affected by the constant migration but that has been the situation for many years, the lack of growth is a sign that the situation is not as rosy as before.
One highlight is the number of witnesses by inhabitant, at 121 it is one of the best % worldwide.
Something that might be related to the current slow growthblis the arrival of the internet, it has been gaining access little by little:
Cuba to roll out mobile internet for the first time -
Dec 5, 2018 - Cuba has announced that 3G internet access for cell phone users across the country will become available from Thursday. The Caribbean island nation, which exists under communist rule, opened state-run internet cafes in 2013 and citizens have only had access to home internet and public Wi-Fi hotspots since 2017. -
Cuba opens its first new church since the revolution 60 years ago (Catholic)