Is it me or is John Cedars channel becoming a self important circle fest

by phoenixrising 60 Replies latest social entertainment

  • the girl next door
    the girl next door
    *I just checked and Barbara’s documents site seems to be gone, that’s a shame. There were some rare documents not found elsewhere.

    watchtowerdocuments dot org

  • MeanMrMustard

    John Cedars applied to be considered for an apprentice of the Kerfuffles, the elite group of JWs that control the world. He was turned down because he was not Asian. When he left this forum, it became impossible - as all Kerfuffle members post here regularly.

  • StephaneLaliberte
    Do none of the other contributors to JW survey get paid, because others seems to do a lot of the work.

    I don't know how they work things out, but indeed, JW Survey and his channel is not just Lloyd, there's a lot of work from other people in there as well. I'm particularly impress by John Redwood who actually travelled to a few court cases to report on the events. That ain't for free... so I don't know about the monney, but one would have to assume that they work things out in between them.

  • Quetzal
    He's a grifter, wants other people to pay him a salary for his 'activism', so he has to put out regular content to justify it whether there's really anything to say or not.

    I see adds on this website. A brother has got to eat I suppose. Activism cost money.

    The moment Lloyd Evans monetized his activism was the moment he lost credibility.

    If some people benefit from his channel I don't see anything wrong with him making some change from it.

    I hate his nasty accent.

    Jealousy, at least he is doing something no matter his motivation !

  • Simon
    I see adds on this website. A brother has got to eat I suppose. Activism cost money.

    True, but no one has to pay to access this site and it covers the hosting costs. I don't charge anyone for my time or for my equipment and I don't expect people to pay for this to be my full-time job or even for a half-hour of my time.

    If nothing else, I think it would be reckless and irresponsible (probably lazy too) if I did that while I had a family to support.

    If some people benefit from his channel I don't see anything wrong with him making some change from it.

    Not at all. But as soon as you add a profit motive there's a tendency to chase the money more than the truth. Do balanced views bring in more funds than sensationalism for instance? I doubt it and I think it's a bad place to end up where you have to go searching for things to criticize for the sake of it - you end up a caricature Apostate that the WTS warns it's members about.

    But I've always felt that people's personal stories, freely shared for no gain than to warn others, are ultimately more powerful in countering the ability for the WTS to lure people in and also shows that there are friendly and understanding voices and we're not the enemy to people who need help and support to leave.

  • phoenixrising

    He IMO went off the rails with is pandering to or flirting with Trump bashing and liberal crap. I can fast forward through his long winded commentary on the monthly’s. But when he has done this covid lock down stuff it was to me nothing but a bunch of teens talking to each other. Nothing of value. I also have felt he is pushing trying to put out videos and they are not well thought out and going over the same old carp. When there are updates on court cases ect that’s fine. To make money to off set the cost of voicing your views is one thing but if he is trying to make a job out of it, I have seen people try this and eventually it falls away.

  • nowwhat?

    I was a fan when he would post important info on jwsurvey. He broke the story of when district overseers were deleted And such. Now who in the hell wants to listen to 2 hours of commentary!

  • StephaneLaliberte
    Not at all. But as soon as you add a profit motive there's a tendency to chase the money more than the truth.

    True. The problem with JWs and ex-JWs is that the target audiance is a bit too limited. For instance, Christopher Hitchens was targeting everybody as everyone cares about the question: Is there a God? Not that many people actually care about JWs and their problems. So, yeah, you need to go a bit on the sensationalist side to make a living out of it. But I don't believe John Cedars has been too far out in that area. Certainly not as bad as the medias on Trump.

    And we can certainly say that he is not the typical apostate: He doesn't agree with agressive activism, publically admits when he makes mistakes, don't get into rants, takes care of his parents in law who are still JWs, and doesn't attack the rank and files.

    Sure, he has an ego and doesn't sound as sincere as Mike and Kim. But I think he is doing very well. If I was willing to sacrifice my relationship with my family, I'd be doing exactly what he is, and I admire him for it.

  • StephaneLaliberte
    Now who in the hell wants to listen to 2 hours of commentary!

    Joe Rogan fans? It’s a different world out there. Long 2 hour shows is what made Joe Rogan Famous.

    Still, I too find some of his videos way too long. There are things he criticises that lowers his credibility. When you criticise little details, people don’t take you as serious when you criticise something big.

  • Quetzal
    Do balanced views bring in more funds than sensationalism for instance? I doubt it and I think it's a bad place to end up where you have to go searching for things to criticize for the sake of it - you end up a caricature Apostate that the WTS warns it's members about.

    That are correct. Unfortunately for him, Youtube is not like a forum where members can help create content. He will be at the mercy of Youtube's algorithm and continuous updates in order to be relevant.

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