Is it me or is John Cedars channel becoming a self important circle fest

by phoenixrising 60 Replies latest social entertainment

  • 1234

    I don't know I just mentioned him in a tread a couple a months ago and asked "what had happened to him" and the whole thread was removed.

    So I guess we can talk about him now.

    All I can say is he is NOT "The Reluctant Apostate" He is doing very well $$$ making his living by attacking the Watchtower.

    Which is fine by me.

    I wished he did a little more grooming, he always looks like he just woke up sleeping under a bridge. If there was ever a preconceived notion on what a Apostate looks like...I'm afraid he would be it.

    Also he needs to get rid of the whole "This Lloyd from the Bunker" thing.

    The only person you think of hunkered down in a bunker is that guy that died at the end of WWII.

    P.S. Not like the rest of us here the worst that could happen to Lloyd is the end of the WTB&TS because he would be out of a job.

  • HappyDad

    I don't even like to look at John Cedars. He always looks like he just woke up after a drunken night on the town. Hair messed up, and a wanna be beard facial hair. At least he could clean up his act a little.

  • StephaneLaliberte
    l I can say is he is NOT "The Reluctant Apostate"

    Yeah, I thought the title of the book a bit odd. Even back in 2013, when he left, he was still an apostate using his anonymous ID. When he was outed, it was on his terms also. So, I never understood the "reluctant" thing.

  • 2+2=5

    If he played in a band I’d imagine him as the lead guitarist, never feels loud enough and always under appreciated by his less talented peers.

  • phoenixrising

    I thought he was from the band Creme Brulee. I think he was the base player. I ended up unsubscribing because he has so many junk videos I can just check under JW once a month and pick out if there is anything there worth watching. He seems to think a lot of himself lately. He does have one guy who is very to the point and follows the JW child abuse cases and that is interesting getting the news on that. But the last video he had he has that guy from Romania singing these stupid parody songs. I was embarrassed for him and had to turn it off.

  • notsurewheretogo

    The moment he came out out as who he was after he DA himself his channel dropped in quality massively.

    He went from neutral points that gained those that were on the fence to full on activist/apostate and in that lost a lot of people.

    I see him now as an exJW now trying to survive financially on his activism. Meaning quality or content is not always up to standard.

  • 2+2=5

    Never go full apostate

  • Simon
    I wished he did a little more grooming

    You mean hair-cut, right?

  • phoenixrising

    LOL I love that catch phrase, you never go full retard. How long in this PC world before that movie is banned. And in black face no less. LOL

  • slimboyfat
    And we can certainly say that he is not the typical apostate: He doesn't agree with agressive activism, publically admits when he makes mistakes, don't get into rants, takes care of his parents in law who are still JWs, and doesn't attack the rank and files.

    Ha! Is that a joke? He didn’t apologise for outing faders on Facebook or making illegal copies of Crisis of Conscience. And I thought, by his own account, it was his parents in law who allow him to stay in their property. And I think most sensible people would not support aggressive action.

    I think that comment was probably bait, and I fell for it!

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