So Today Was My Wife's First Ever Birthday Party

by dubstepped 34 Replies latest jw experiences

  • dubstepped

    She turned one today, and 36 earlier this week. We planned a big party, big for two people that have never thrown a party before. We rented a church fellowship hall because 1. it was nice and big and affordable and 2. it was kind of awesome to throw a party in a place we would have never ventured in our previous life. Whatever my wife wanted, she got, and the party was exactly what she wanted. Less than a year after leaving the dubs last September, we had 60+ people come out just to support my wife and her first birthday. She got lots of presents, had fun talking to lots of people, got to have her own special day, and all of those evil "worldly" people rallied around her.

    It was a great time with lots of great people. We won't have a big bash like that every year, most likely, as it was a ton of work and we dropped some coin on the venue, decorations, cake, games, and on and on and on. Regardless, you only get to have one first birthday, and my wife had a great one. She's had a great week overall, with many well-wishes. I look forward to many more birthday celebrations with my wife outside the grips of the ridiculous cult we once belonged to.

    Oh, and nobody was beheaded. ;)

  • OneEyedJoe

    Congrats! Though it's not a party until the beheadings start. You guys will get the hang of it eventually.

  • dubstepped

    My keychain knife just won't do it. It was more of a minor slashing. Like you said, we'll get better with time.

  • millie210

    You guys are funny with the beheading stuff.

    I loved reading about the special day you and your wife created. It sounds like it was just wonderful!

  • JWdaughter

    You cradle robber, you!

  • zeb

    so what did you buy her?

  • FayeDunaway

    Sorry, I have to tell you about my first birthday 'out'. It was miserable! My husband left the religion with me but didn't grasp the birthdays holidays thing yet. So I cried in the bedroom. My little daughter came in and saw me crying and went out and came back later with a birthday card. It made my day.

    The next year I threw myself a party! Invited some ex witness old friends I had reconnected with. Had a full on cake with candles ....even a pinata :).

    That year was a crazy year. Everybody needed a big first birthday party!! It was catch up time. I was worn out. But it was fantastic.

    I'm so happy for your wife and I hope she throws one for you too!

  • smiddy

    Happy birthday to mrs. dub , sounds like you had a great time , I loved the bit about a church fellowship hall LOL

    May there be many more.

    Buy a pack of gingerbread biscuits and bite off their heads.


  • DJS

    Totally freaking awesome! You must splash large for X mas and Halloween. And New Years Eve. And Valentine's Day. And 4th of July. And . . .

  • Xanthippe

    Happy Birthday to your wife. I'm glad you pushed the boat out and hope it was fun 🎉🎂🎈🎁

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