Petr Muzny: A Law Professor Explains His Faith

by konceptual99 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • konceptual99

    This is absolutely feckin' priceless.

    In yet another appeal to authority, has trotted out a professional to vouch for creation. This guy is a law professor. Very clever chap, who got his extensive education before becoming a Witness (as usual) and now is seemingly qualified in the eyes of to speak for creationism.

    He rattles out some nonsense about cause and effect, about a bench having to have a designer meaning that the earth must have been designed but what he says in the lead up is amazing.

    From around 50s in he explains that he had been following the mainstream view of evolution but came to realise that "we should really question things that are around us, all the theories and explanations that are given. That we shouldn't take as granted all that we hear and especially when somebody says that this thing is obvious or evident so just don't question. Obey, or listen to it. I am now a specialist in law and in logic, human thinking..."

    The irony is amazing...

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Nice try, WTS, but no cigar.

    What on earth is a law professor doing commenting on creation vs evolution?

    Ridiculous! I'm a greater authority on this subject than this guy because I studied Biology at uni!!!

    His best bet is defending the WTS from numerous child abuse allegations ...

    This is absolutely feckin' priceless - XD

  • rocketman

    Well, I'll give the guy one thing - his wife is pretty cute.

  • konceptual99

    I wonder if he recalls that WT from 2013...

    WT 2013/11/15 - Seven Shepherds, Eight Dukes, Para 17

    At that time, the life-saving direction that we receive from Jehovah’s organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint. All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not
  • bohm

    wow, a self-proclaimed expert in logic who tell us we shouldn't just take things at face value because people tell us it is obvious or "evident", then proceeds to make logical errors like concluding that because nature is beautiful it must point to a beautiful God (because all artists are such nice people?) or that God-awful bench illustration (why not use the trees or the lake?). This can't be doing much good.

  • Hairtrigger

    Well . Well.Well.. Profesional liars with a religious bias refuting science based evidence on the formation of the universe and all life. If his arguments could pass muster in a court of law, he could be appointed Attorney General and head the 144000 shitheads that will be sitting in judgement over better men during the Jew's hypothetical Hobo god's final indictment of the rest of humans.!!!

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    Those who can, do. Those who can't do, teach. He's a law professor, maybe you wouldn't want him as your lawyer.

  • konceptual99
    What on earth is a law professor doing commenting on creation vs evolution?

    Well, for anyone out of the WTS it makes no sense. For anyone in then they LOVE a person with a worldly education ratifying their beliefs which is a massive irony given their hatred of further education for those already in.

    Don't forget as well that the WTS is full of uneducated people spouting pseudo-science they picked up from WTS publications and (you know they type - every congregation has one or two) so anyone with an ACTUAL education is free to talk about any subject with authority.

  • redvip2000
    What on earth is a law professor doing commenting on creation vs evolution?

    This is probably the best they can do. Let's be honest, there aren't a lot of college professors that are JW's, so to be able to find one is quite a catch for the Org.

    If he was a professor of star wars filmography, they would still use him - that's the best they have. For JWs, they will be impressed regardless.

  • steve2

    I have managed to successfully press to perfection a full closet of wrinkled shirts with the irony of this puffed up gentleman's audacity.

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