I think he’s done incredible damage to Biden. He must be in hiding in his dad’s basement too. I think this is the October surprise people have been wondering about. Ignoring Hunter Biden doesn’t work. The elephant is still in the room and eventually the whole Joe Biden/ Hunter Biden will have to be addressed.
Hunter Biden—Will He Affect The Election?
by minimus 34 Replies latest jw friends
road to nowhere
Not enough light being shed on it. You can seldom find an honest businessman or politician. maybe never.
I fear people voting against trump's coarse personality rather than for the shakeup he is trying to do.
I don’t have to live with Trump. He can stay in the White House and do his job.
I think the Hunter Biden issue is small and insignificant in relevance to this particular election, there is a running pandemic that's spreading around killing people and a economy that is sinking which people are having more of a concern over .
If it was one of Trump's relatives doing this, it would be the lead story on every other news outlet besides Fox. Rachel Maddow would devote hours and hours to it, so would Don Lemon and the rest of the liberal hacks, all talking endlessly about how corrupt Trump and his family are. And how he, his family, and his followers are nothing but pieces of crap and should be jailed, fined, beaten, tortured, and executed........(not necessarily in that order)
But because it involves Sleepy Joe Biden, the story is covered up, buried, and generally not discussed or even considered news worthy on the left leaning news network. Try finding ANY references to this story on CNN's home page. Plenty of stories on how much of a piece of shit Trump is, plenty of stories about how celebrities think, how you SHOULD think, and how they will vote. (No big surprise there) This story is considered no big deal.
Remember, they impeached Trump because he DARED to ask for an invstigation into Hunter's shady dealings, but NEVER LOOKED ONCE INTO Hunters shady dealings.
I think this WILL hurt Biden more than the press let's on.
Hunter brings baggage to his daddy. Big time. As was mentioned if this were a Trump family member, it would be the only news. Anybody that decides to ignore that us ignorant.
Vote Trump or get more democrazy chaos and insanity. Go Trump USA USA USA 😊
This won't affect the election, but if Biden is elected this will bring him down. The Left doesn't want him. The Dems have already tipped their hand when Pelosi announced that the House may form a committee to determine if a President (Pelosi said, "Not Trump.") is healthy enough to be in office. If not, the House would push the 25th Amendment to force Biden out or get him to resign. With the Hunter stuff, enough evidence exists that the House, for the good of the country, will investigate Biden and in the end impeach him. Whether the Senate would convict is unknowable, but it doesn't matter. Biden will resign. The Left does not want Joe to be President and they already have two ways to get rid of him. The Left wants Harris.
President Harris...kind of catchy!
road to nowhere
I agree except that they never do anything for the good of the country
The Left wants Harris.
They want her over Biden, but they didn't want her in the primaries. You know Biden will be kicked to the curb as soon as the election is over (if they win), not sure they even let him have the inauguration 'cause she'll want to dance and laugh like an imbecile. There's a video on Twitter of her husband telling people that "my wife is going to be the next President of the United States!". Their plan is an open secret now, just like the ballot rigging.
The revelations about the Biden's should change the election, but the media and tech companies are going out of their way to silence the news (one way you know it's true).