Hunter Biden—Will He Affect The Election?

by minimus 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Funky
    Ok, have you ever thought that pollsters conduct polls only in certain areas?

    Sure, in swing states like Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, states where Trump won in 2016 but is trailing badly now.

    And in states that used to be blue, where Trump won easily in 2016 but trails or is within the margin of error such as Texas, Iowa, and Georgia.

    And in pretty much all 50 states.

    I guess since Puerto Rico and Guam aren't being polled, you could safely call it "only certain areas".

    polling companies ask certain people certain questions?

    Hmm, yes, like "Are you likely to vote in 2020" and "who will you vote for". You're right, those are awfully vague and open to interpretation.

    you know that your two points aren't actually mutually exclusive, right?

    Actually, I do. I just find it funny that on Monday certain people will breathlessly proclaim "oh you can't trust polls, I talked to 20 people at the bar last Saturday and they all said they give false answers to pollsters"...

    ..and then on Wednesday the same people say "I saw 20 Trump signs in my neighborhood and only 2 Biden signs, therefore my state will be a landslide for Trump."

  • LoveUniHateExams

    @Funky - are all 50 states being polled in the same way?

    Is a random selection of people in each state being polled?

    Are there ways a polling company might use to slant the results in favour of one candidate or the other?

    And, of course, how do we explain the fact that Clinton was a strong poll favourite in 2016?

  • Simon

    The democrats don't believe the polls. How do I know? Because they are sending Obama + Bernie to campaign in states that the polls indicate they don't need to. So they know they are complete BS. I think this time around they may be further off than last time.

    The phenomenon of the shy conservative voter is being amplified by the violence and insidious cancel-culture from the left. It's one thing to have a lawn sign when you're in a neighbourhood of Trump supporters. It's another to think you may be being added to a database by someone on the end of the phone. And maybe they aren't the same people? Which means that the ones who are likely going to vote for Trump and won't say so are also the ones who wouldn't put a lawn-sign out, the silent-majority who speak on election day.

    Look at the crowds that Trump is getting and then compare them to Biden, they literally give speeches to empty parking lots just so they have some footage (always zoomed in on the podium of course). There is no way the polls are accurate when you look at what is happening and the people turning out and queuing for hours to see Trump. There is enthusiasm for the Trump ticket that simply isn't there for Biden. Even the most vehement leftists knows he's just a senile old fart who's corrupt as hell.

    A recent poll showed more people considered themselves better off after 4 years of Trump than any other president ever, he beats Obama, Bushes, Clinton ... that usually means a second term.

    If it wasn't for the very real possibility of ballot harvesting and count corruption in democrat controlled counties, I would say it's a sure win for Trump and possibly a massive landslide. I wouldn't even be surprised if he picked up some unexpected blue states where people have to be sick of the dems governance as everything goes to shit.

  • redvip2000

    I get that some Trump voters are keeping their choice under wraps. I also know that perhaps it's possible that Democratic-leaning pollsters are running their polls in places that are favorable to them (to me this doesn't make a lot of sense. They should want numbers to be even so that it creates urgency in voters).

    But does this account for the percentage difference we see? And for so many battleground states? I have some doubts.

    I guess we'll see but one thing is for sure. If Trump wins despite the media control or the narrative, and despite the polls, and despite the mail in ballots, and despite the media censorship of Biden corruption, this would be by far the most spectacular against-all-odds win in the history of the country.

    But I do think this is a pretty big mountain to climb at this point.

  • Incognito

    Isn't it mainstream media and social media that are reporting the poll results?

    Since news reports are being edited or blocked to reduce/prevent negative reports against Dems, what leads you to believe the reported poll results are actually genuine?

    Many people that want to be accepted by others, will often do as they think the majority does so majority support reported for Biden could sway them to also vote that way.

  • minimus

    I don’t think Trump supporters are afraid. I think they simply have the idea ....eff u to the biased pollsters.

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    Right now the polls are tightening considerably. Trump is now within error bars of Joe Biden in most battlegrounds states, this morning polls came out that showed him 49/47 (Biden/Trump) across the country while there were others that showed him 6 points down (which is just out of the 5 point bounds from Clinton/Trump in 2016).

    This morning a Hunter Biden associate, life-long Democrat came out and said he was being smeared as a Russian disinformation while he confirmed the e-mails existed (this is now the third and fourth independent source that produced evidence) and even the fact that Joe Biden has been on the take from Russia and China.

  • redvip2000
    Since news reports are being edited or blocked to reduce/prevent negative results against Dems, what leads you to believe the reported poll results are actually genuine?

    The fact that even conservative-led polls are showing Biden leads seems to indicate he actually might be. Look, idk, I guess we'll see in 2 weeks.

    One thing is for sure, the turnout for this election will be the biggest perhaps in US history, and I suspect that many under 30 folks who normally can't get out of bed to vote, and going to be motivated by their friends and social media circles to vote. And that demographic slice is not favorable to Trump.

  • WingCommander

    I'm in total agreement with Simon's last post, spot on. Biden is supposedly so far ahead in Pennsylvania, but they had to send in Obama to rally the troops, in typically Democratic Philadelphia? Hahahahahahahahaaha!!!!! I said the same thing to my spouse the other day when I saw that. They are actually panicking! Their numbers are DOWN, and they know it.

  • minimus

    Hiding the Dems President and VP candidates will either be the most brilliant political decision or the biggest bone headed blunder ever!

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