I could see them coming up with a clever way to detach the generation teaching from 1914, so that the 'generation' would have a floating beginning point. Just a thought.
A Generation Change Again???
by BereanThinker7 56 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
They might just drop 1914. Say we miscalculated and were off by a hundred years. Then they could go back to those that saw 2014 are the generation. The problem with that is it puts the end too far away. 1975 would be a better time to say the last days began.
Calm down everyone, it all has to do with that tricky "0" year. It's so clear you have to multiply that "0" year by 10 for earthly completeness, subtract 1 because it was already figured in, add 99 to 1914 and that's it! End of Gentile Times 2013. Plain as day.
If any of the GB need some help with the math just message me, we'll figure out a time.
This suggests to me that the WTS has allowed itself to become too married to its cosmology for its own good.
Instead of letting (what should be) obvious theological mistakes just fade away like they used to...
...they double-down...
...and inevitably end up being even more wrong than they were before (not to mention paint themselves into ever-tighter ideological corners).
ever-tighter ideological corners)
V: right! first it was the anointing of the generation then the grouping overlap.
Frankly Jesus' words even written 30 years later, fit only the 1st century..
trying to apply it to Luther's time or Russell' s, is just as bad as to 2075.
Ultimate Axiom
They should have stuck with the 1995 explanation which had a floating “wicked generation” that could last up to Armageddon, whenever that would be. It was boring, but it worked. Why did they have to tinker with it?
They tinkered with it precisely because it floated and could thus last indefinitely. The faithful need a target: 1914, 1925, 1975, 20th century, 1914 generation etc. Simply saying ‘just around the corner’ for decades to come wouldn't cut it.
When the overlapping generation was created back in the mid 90's
The overlapping generation was not created in the mid-90s. In 1995 they abandoned the literal generation and taught that the ‘generation’ now meant ‘contemporary people of a certain historical period, with their identifying characteristics’. In 2008 the 1995 definition was modified again and no longer referred to contemporary people in general, but to the anointed class. Two years later, in 2010 we were introduced to the overlapping generation, which first appeared in the April 15 Watchtower of 2010.
the second group would be those who were born before the last individuals in the first group died.
Sister Paulina is being ambiguous. While it is true that the second group were born before the last individuals in the first group died, the important thing is that they were anointed before the last individuals in the first group died. They were therefore born several decades before the last individuals in the first group died.
If we assume that at the turn of this century the vast majority of the anointed were over thirty, then the youngest of the second group was born in the 1960s. It took them until 1995 to abandon the literal generation, so they could hang out this two-group generation idea until at least 2060. I would be surprised therefore, if they were to change it now with so much slack in the system, especially as this current lot will all be dead before the chickens come home to roost on this one.
On the other hand, two-group generation concept is so absurd that they may feel their hand is being forced, for even in their ivory tower, they must be aware that even those who understand it don’t really believe it. Short of decoupling the ‘generation’ from the year 1914 completely, it’s hard to see what they could have up their sleeve. I genuinely hope the rumour is false – this overlapping-groups generation is such a valuable weapon to use against them.
Let them do this and even more will leave, in my opinion...That 1995 teaching on Generation is what finally made me decide to get the hell out of the JW religion.
Before this happened I was ever hopeful that things would improve for me there..even though I was viewed very negatively because I was a single woman who worked. Then came the 1995 teaching and it was Over.
wt writers should have stuck with contemporaries, and not narrowed the generation by anointing it.
overlapping cognizant contemporaries, 14 year olds, becoming centenarians, would give them slack to 2086.
Anointed generation, overlapping or not, is absolutely wrong, by definition.
Tose that did not get shaken by the overlapping slap in the face, might not get shaken out by any new playing with numbers either.
On Sodom's sin, see Ezek 16:49, 50 (here). Some of the wording in those verses could be applied to homosexuality. The wording is similar to that used in Leviticus 18 about men having relations with men. But there are numerous other things that she was also accused of in those verses in Ezekiel.