Some Biblical historians have suggested that Sodom was leveled as punishment for their tolerance of violence and refusal to extend hospitality to strangers.
A Generation Change Again???
by BereanThinker7 56 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
On the other hand, two-group generation concept is so absurd that they may feel their hand is being forced, for even in their ivory tower, they must be aware that even those who understand it don’t really believe it. Short of decoupling the ‘generation’ from the year 1914 completely, it’s hard to see what they could have up their sleeve. I genuinely hope the rumour is false – this overlapping-groups generation is such a valuable weapon to use against them.
So what we can conclude then is that the WTS's generation can mean generation(s) within a generation.
This is just an frail twisted attempt to uphold 1914, plain and simple.
The top leaders (GB) of the WTS/JWorg know it but they are now forced to propagate nonsensical lies to maintain a established perception that 1914 was a truthful, honest and accurate doctrine that the organization taught and preached for close to a century .
Supposedly this is the “new light” revision on the “generation teaching” coming out soon. Splane has revisited this subject after giving it prayerful consideration for many months. He has gone back to his whiteboard and now has a clearer understanding. This is sure to put a halt to all the doubters and naysayers trying to corrupt others people’s faith.
Spot on baldeagle
Question the doctrines the WTS's GB make and your in big trouble.
In the presence of fear, shame, guilt and loyalty its obvious you can manipulate people to your own will and purpose.
Where there is an endeavoring attempt to sustain power, control and money, usually you'll find lies and corruption.
In the history of the Watchtower Corporation/JWorg. there has been an overwhelming presence of lies and corruption.
Let's guess bold here....
Time since Jesus Christ prophecy in Mathew about Jerusalem destruction, he made in 36 and it was fulfillled in 70. Then, taking 70 minus 36 give you 34 years. Now we take Daniel "time, times and a half" equally to three and a half. 34 years multiplied by 3.5 gives you 119 years.
So it should take 1914 plus 119 years. That is 2033, bingo.
But please, don't mess with this and try to overlap it!!!
At least most Christian faiths are loyal and obedient to Jesus in not making a time upon god's own sacred time.
Pitty most people dont read the bible before becoming a JWS
There were many religious charlatans/organizations that didn't adhere to Jesus's instructions and teachings concerning the preaching of his Gospel, the Watchtower Corporation is one of them, more focused upon literature proliferation I guess.
If you apply Common Core Math (US) to WT (US) teachings, it makes perfect sense.
Snakes ( )
mikeflood : Let's guess bold here...
John, the anointed, of bible writer fame, lived to ~103 CE. survived the end by 40 + years.
current wt generation doctrine has the anointed generation die at the beginning of the great tribulation. can they die a second death, perhaps writing the "new scrolls", -- 40 years after Armageddon too?
The march broadcast just went online nothing about the generation change. Just a rumor so far