MY NAME IS NO CONSEQUENCE- My deepest condolences on the loss of your father my friend. I'm very sorry for your loss. I'm sure he is in your heart everyday still. I lost my mom in December and I still have spells at times where I just break down into tears 7 months later. Your dad will always be a part of you . You have his DNA and I'm sure a good measure of his personality and good character within you as well. Sounds like he was a great dad and a caring man. Take that part of him- what he taught you about humanity , empathy, and caring and make what he was - possess that within yourself as a gift from him to you.
It's how I'm gradually healing over my mom's death- taking what she taught me about love, kindness, and empathy- and now trying to make that a deeper part of me in my life. I also got some grief counseling in February - several sessions - which really helped me put everything in perspective - even my relationships with my elder dad who survived after my mom's death. Your dad and my mom gave us gifts in being good human beings - all we can do is honor that by being those same gifts to our living family and friends. It takes time to heal from the loss of our parents - the hurt never leaves, but through the years we appreciate the lessons they taught us within. Be kind to yourself and feel your grief and cry if you want to, it's normal to do so. We are here as friends as well if you ever need to talk, O.K. ? Sending my love, Peace out, Mr. Flipper