607 vs. 587 was important for me and my mss. reading Jer. 25 (jw.org version rev. 2013) clearly shows that: the nations around Jerusalem and Judah and Judah itself would have to serve Babylon for 70 Years. "But when 70 years have been fulfilled,+ I will call to account* the king of Babylon and that nation for their error". as Fisherman wrote, this was documented to happen in 539. "a verifiable, historical fact. It is indisputable". Then i used the Insight book to establish what happened in the 70 years before 539. so from 609 to 539. Reading the insight book, it was easy to establish that Nabopallassar, Nebukadnezars father, made babylon the regional superpower in 609, by conquering Haran, and that the line of kings till 539 lastet exactly 70 years, just as Jeremiah had written. i came to this conclusion by reading the bible and the insight book only, i was unaware of any previously written books about this. it proved the bible was right, and the society had been lying to us
Very interesting!
In 609 BC, Josiah was notably killed in the battle at Megiddo against Pharaoh Neccho, wherein he was allied with the Babylonians against the Egyptians and Assyrians. Set the timer for 70 years starting here.
4 years later, Nebuchadnezzar fought Pharaoh Neccho at the Battle of Charchemish. Nabopolassar died of natural causes and Nebuchadnezzar became king.
But 2 years after Josiah's death and 2 years before Nabopolassar's death, what happened in 607 BC? NOTHING.