Is it New Zealand? I've been there many times. I used to work about 2,500 miles south of Christchurch.
Why Do You Think There Is A Spike In Covid Cases?
by minimus 53 Replies latest jw friends
Totally agree with Joe.
Our numbskull leaders in the UK told us it was a choice between stopping the virus or saving the economy, and have succeeded only in wrecking both with their ineptitude and, increasingly coming to light, their corruption.
Yes countries like South Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam, New Zealand have stopped the virus and kept the economy in good shape. It wasn’t a choice between saving the economy or stopping the virus. They stopped the virus and that saved their economies.
How did they manage this “miracle” that eludes our politicians? It’s not as if successful countries have kept it a secret. They’ve been telling us all along: close the borders, wear masks, test, trace and isolate. What is wrong with our leaders that they can’t manage to do this? Instead of building up our test and trace system our government has given billions of pounds to “businesses” run by friends and cronies that provide faulty tracing and protective equipment that doesn’t work. The real choice was between saving the country or enriching themselves and their friends. Our political class chose to enrich themselves. It’s criminal, and didn’t need to be this way.
Amen slim boy fat amen.
Anony Mous
@slimboyfat: All the countries that so-called did really well have these 3 things in common:
- They are remote countries that see fewer International travelers, Taiwan has sanctions imposed upon it from the mainland, you can't travel there without China and China doesn't let just anyone go there.
- Most of those countries are communist or extremely liberal (eg. New Zealand) and have imposed very strict restrictions upon its population before (guns, travel, taxes) and their population is used to heavy government regulation. Not only would no free country go along with these sorts of restrictions, they already have the deaths, low economic output and other issues associated with such regimes. Yes, even New Zealand.
You ask: What is wrong with our leaders that they can’t manage to do this? - I ask, what is wrong that their population allows their leaders to test, track and trace anyone against their will. Not only that, but as we see from Europe, if your population isn't hit yet, it will eventually get hit, but now with a stronger, mutated virus, there will be no immunity if everyone remains isolated across the globe. You can off course always put everyone in a sterile bubble at gunpoint, but that doesn't improve the economy.
The reality is that if you're younger than 40, this is less deadly than the flu, if you're between 40 and 65, it's as deadly as the flu, if you're older than 65, pretty much anything, including the flu has a better chance to end up killing you. Now we don't stop surgeries on people older than 65, we don't lock down or mask up every flu season. It burned through NY and many no-lockdown US states and Italy and Sweden, they don't see any resurgence in death. Belgium locked down fast and early, they've been having the top COVID deaths in the world (per capita).
The Bethelite
election time
resolute Bandicoot
I've been to Joe's country and it certainly is a nice place.
joey jojo
Australia virtually had covid beat a few months ago with nothing more than social distancing. There was a big spike in one state that was brought under control only with a sharp lockdown and mandatory masks. But it worked and things are getting back to normal now.
Even with controlled distancing/ masks etc, it only took a few months for covid deaths to outnumber total 2019 flu deaths in Australia.
After all these months, the US covid rates are still climbing, with almost 100 000 new cases yesterday, although deaths have plateaued. I think covid fatigue has set in for a lot of people and they just want to get back to normal.
Im not a maths genius but I suspect the numbers are starting to snowball now, having reached such a high rate in the US, and they wont come down without a vaccine, or government lockdowns, which looks highly improbable.
Its interesting to see the way reactions to this pandemic has revealed different personalities. There are those that want to pretend everythings fine and the government cant be trusted, others that are happy to comply with medical advice, some that believe their rights are being trampled on if they are required to wear a mask to protect others, people that mock others for wearing a mask- the list goes on.
I wonder what would have happened if the death rate was worse- would that make people more careful, or would they still insist on their rights, regardless how it might affect others. -
Anna Marina
Joey jojo - the issue is one of trust. Just like WT's 1914 a message can be spun from statistics which is religious. In this case the value is health. But what are the facts. How reliable are the facts? The figures that go into the statistics - how can you PROVE they are reliable?
Some ideas to ensure the data is ok - get the figures sent to you. Process it yourself. Have the details of every individual used in the data. Ensure all individuals in the data are actually still alive (or have been born). Scrutinized the figures to ensure demical points are in the right place. Make sure odd 0s haven't been added here and there.
When receiving data - check the figures looks comparable to at least 3 years worth of exactly the same data - maybe more - try 16 years just in case. If certain numbers are way out, make a phone call to the person who sent it and patiently stand up to them until (having abused you to within an inch of your life) they finally admit they lied to you through their teeth.
Because the media say so
It’s obvious. It’s Trumps fault.
He has a list
He checks it twice
and then, he hops aboard his “magical” plane and visits all those evil democrats, slides down the chimney and personally infects all those naughty people with COVID.
This is CNN