At least 2 of current Governing body are not honest about even their names.

by Not_Culty 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Not_Culty

    Many don't know that at least 2 of current Governing body are not honest about even their name. Mark Sanderson is actually Douglas Mark Sanderson. Stephen Lett is Mark Stephen Lett . Changing name is a method to hide the past. and hinder research. U would think Gods men on earth would be 100% transparent about who they really R

    I called Bethel a couple yrs ago playing dumb asked if Letts actual full name was Mark Stephen Lett. They would not answer and referred me to the service desk. Hmmmmm seems like real research might be called 4

  • _Morpheus

    Normally, and i say normally, i would call you a kook or a conspiracy theorist and dismiss you abruptly....

    However, this is interesting for a specific reason. The bodys of elders are directed, when introducing speakers at the circuit level and regional level as well as when announcing appointments even on the congregation level, to use full legal names. Its very specific.

    It was also somewhat inconvenient for me because, for as long as i can remember, i had been addressed by middle name. My father and I share my first name. To avoid confusion i always went by my middle name. So when this whole use “you must use the full name” thing came to pass about 10 years ago it caused no end of confusion when introducing me. Even the night i was appointed as an elder, people thought it was my father. Who wasnt even in our congregation.

    So why do those two clowns get away with it? I dont think they are pedos or hiding from anything in such a high profile position... but it smacks of the sort of “we are above the rules” crap i hate.

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  • Freedom rocks
    Freedom rocks

    Both my parent's go by their middle names and have since childhood. I don't think it's a big thing!

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  • 2+2=5

    I also know of a quite few people who go by their middle names. Now I can I add a few more colossal dickheads to the list.... and Morpheus.

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  • Listener

    This is in the January 2019 Watchtower

    The Governing Body now consists of eight anointed brothers:

    K. E. Cook, Jr.; S. F. Herd; G. W. Jackson; M. S. Lett; G. Lösch; A. Morris III; D. M. Sanderson; D. H. Splane

    Whats strange is Tight Pants Tony's name. According to this he has no middle name. It's as if his whole name is fictitious. Although some people have tried to research his background and can't find anything, even a listing of his service in the military.

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  • LV101

    People change their names all the time - legally pay and have it changed. Divorced women often dump the ex's last name.

    I understand the concern of GB secret society men but not a big deal having no middle name. It would take an investigator to drill down and find out although in this day/age it should be easier.

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  • Onager

    My mother uses her middle name, my father in law uses his middle name and my aunt uses a name which is similar to but NOT her first name.

    And I don't trust one of them a damn, the shifty mongrels... :smile:

    Seriously, none of them have done it to hide anything in their past, they just don't like their first names, so while there's a wisp of smoke with GB members messing about with their names, I don't think it's enough to assume there's a fire.

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  • Diogenesister
    Whats strange is Tight Pants Tony's name. According to this he has no middle name. It's as if his whole name is fictitious. Although some people have tried to research his background and can't find anything, even a listing of his service in the military.

    He was adopted, if that helps at all.

  • RubaDub

    This practice goes back centuries.

    According to historical records, the person we know as the Apostle Paul used his middle name, Paul, instead of his first name, Roger.

    Even Jesus used his middle name. As a Jew, his father named him Joseph (Yosef in Hebrew). To avoid confusion as had been suggested above, they commonly used his middle name instead, Jesus.

    Rub a Dub

  • _Morpheus

    Lets be clear and reiterate something here... its THEIR rule that full proper given names be used and THEY are violating it. Thats the source of irritation.

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