"I'm As Mad as Hell - and I'm not going to take it anymore" (First Principles)

by Terry 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Terry

    Two things we all need to know; may already know; have known for a long long time - but nothing at all has changed ...

    First Principles

    These are assumptions that cannot be deduced from any other proposition or assumption.

    (What the hell does THAT mean?)

    Before a functioning airplane was designed and built successfully, centuries of failures, accidents, deaths, and mistakes occurred.

    Brilliant inventors failed - and did so horribly.
    They "assumed" using birds as the perfect analogy for flight.
    Birds flap wings seemed an inescapable Truth.
    Thousands of false starts and injuries.
    Flapping was impractical. Human bodies aren't analogous to birds. Image result for first efforts to fly by inventors"


    1. Start from scratch by NOT thinking analogously.

    2. Originality is NOT an echo of an already existing thing.

    3. The Past and the Future don't have to be connected.
    (Example: Automobiles)
    Historically, horses are a fast and reliable method of travel.
    Historically, machines are ponderous, clunky, slow, and costly.
    You can't replace the horse (as transportation) with a machine.
    (Cars would require flat highways and streets, right?
    There were none. Forget about it.)

    So-called PRACTICAL wisdom is deeply rooted in THE PAST. "We've always done it this way." But stop and think:
    All innovation would cease using the practical PAST as a model.

    Living things survive and progress by ADAPTATION to change.
    99.99% of everything which is now extinct DID NOT ADAPT because history lies about the future. (What is the lie? THIS WORKS, HAS WORKED, and WILL WORK AGAIN AND AGAIN.)

    4. ARISTOTLE influenced great thinkers for thousands of years.
    He described FIRST PRINCIPLE thinking right down to fundamental essence for innovation. (What a thing is - it's essence - is what you are left with when everything else is removed.)

    5. Healthy SKEPTICISM challenges authority, history, conventional thinking about WHY we must accept the way it is what it is.

    Everything in our world today is a TENSION between the way things ought to be and the way powerful interests demand we accept what they are doing "for our own good."
    ____ REVOLUTION?
    Revolution comes when enough people suddenly see what a huge difference exists inside that tension just mentioned above.
    We need to ask questions. Such as?
    LEADERS - aren't they really chosen by us as a result of the false principle of "choose the lesser of two evils?" We are told we MUST accept this as inescapable!

    This FALSE CHOICE is a delusional construct forced upon us by so-called INFLUENCERS bought and paid for by the super-wealthy. (Manufacturing our consent).

    Do we need to TRUST our institutions?
    OLIGARCHS are super-wealthy business leaders who seek political influence (and positions of political power).
    Are we so accustomed to their lying and misrepresentation through Media and Politics we cannot detect these Oligarch's pulling of strings?

    What is the alternative? Or - is there one?

    DESTROY the false narratives.
    REPLACE the corruption and the system in which it thrives.
    DEFY propaganda reassurances.
    AVOID partisan ideology and BLACK and WHITE thinking.

    EMBRACE First Principles by the revolution...
    and beginning with yourself.

    The most powerful word in the history of mankind is the word "NO"!
    "I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore."

    THIS SPEECH was depicted in the movie NETWORK 45 YEARS AGO!
    It is still true - and nothing has changed.

  • iwantoutnow

    Terry nice post:)

    I love that movie!

  • Terry

    Agents for change (in politics) have emerged worldwide.
    (Set aside momentarily their obvious defects of character and/or presentation)
    There is a visceral hunger for CHANGE (if not revolution) which has placed
    these people in power.
    Voters want the dishes shattered by the bulls.
    Revolutionary instinct is :BREAK THINGS.

    The question in my mind is how long and how deep?
    IF Trump is re-elected (don't think it will happen) the next notch is ratcheted up.

    Enough angry people must hit the point of no return for actual Revolution.

    It all starts with angry people who won't take "it" anymore.

    Democrats in the U.S. have been completely ineffectual in the Never-Trump movement because the core impulse is NOT CENTERED ON POLICY.
    It is merely anger.
    The population is not helped existentially.

  • cofty

    Terry - So how do we get to this state that you call 'how things ought to be'?

    And what would that state look like?

  • Terry
    Terry - So how do we get to this state that you call 'how things ought to be'?

    And what would that state look like?
    Not just a good question; the only question.

    First, we need a reality check about the concept of THE BEST OF ALL POSSIBLE WORLDS.
    If "politics is the art of the possible", (A BIG IF) then, political structure would platform such a world.

    But- the notion of "best" is a kind of asymptotic construct.
    Image result for diagram of an asymptote"
    The population of a set of constituents in confronting a UTOPIA would
    produce conflict, disagreement, friction, and division simply due to the human condition (all politics is local). The more "local" the more specificity vis-a-vis the whole.

    Here is why I think this is an insurmountable obstacle to Utopia.

    The function of an ideal begins in the imagination.
    Just as there is no final number (you can always +1) a better world can always be imagined. (Better for who? At what cost to others?)

    "Consequently, the poor you always have with you."

    In the Russian Revolution, the Bolsheviks chased the Communist ideal to its logical end which = murdering the opposition and gulags.
    What else can you do with political opponents when you've got a revolution to run?

    I personally don't believe any public Utopia is worth much more than a human life costs.

    The enemy of the people isn't much more than POWER in the hands of people who don't include you in their own conceptual ideal.

    Jehovah's Witnesses, for example, get along just dandy at the cost of reality.
    They're willing to go to their death for such comfort.
    Others are cheerful to see them pay that price.

    As far as secular politics and democratic elections, I don't see them as "real" but only a sop to masses to give the illusion of participation and the consolation of "better luck next time."

    I've lived long enough to know the next time is like the last time. It is repertory meets Kabuki.

    That's earned cynicism on my part :)

  • cofty

    Cynicism but no answer?

    How about pragmatism and gradual progress is as good as it gets? And the ONLY way to progress is via liberal democracy with all its faults?

    'Democracy is the worst form of government - apart from all the other ones' - or words to that effect by Winston Churchill.

  • Finkelstein

    Cynicism and politics are analogous aren't they ?

    Democracy gives the populous a voice for change at least, sometimes heard, sometimes not.

    Democracy also offers a open window toward ideas, that in itself is a value to humanity.

    It also offers the possibility to remove governments that the population doesn't want in power.

  • smiddy3

    Maybe every Democrat and Republican supporter should try this tonight and see what eventuates tomorrow.?LOL

  • Terry

    DEMOCRACY: Two wolves and a sheep voting on 'what's for lunch'.

  • cofty

    I'm still hoping that you might begin to even hint at an alternative Terry.

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