lisarose, Im going to throw out a thought as to why I think females have less advantages in many societies than men, [What is the real source of female inequality in the world?]
religion and pride. religion teaches that men are the authority figure, particularly in the middle east, where cultures are still heavily influenced by religion and tradition. Also, since factually most women are weaker in a physical way than men, men therefore are usually, in most cultures, hunters or the builders. so the 'logic' that follows is that is that men rule. However we all know of examples in the bible where women heavily influenced a leader to do something. [kill john he baptist for example]
the thing is when men and women stop viewing each other as unequal humans, and embrace the assets of each one, perhaps atrocities like torturous female circumcision or tossing acid in the face of a female accused of something she did against a mans rule, this will go away. that's so stupid, what some of these backward cultures do to women, without women there are no humans,lol you would think they would adore women and their ability to recreate. those stupid guys dont even know how to have good sex, they ruin their sex toys,lol
im surprised by now there hasnt been an all out riot/civil war, from women in the middle east ,lol Id say a good chance isis would be put out of power if all the women would gather together and form a group, and revolt. stupid women joining them instead of infiltrating them and one by one eliminating the creeps.