BeDuhn is a close WTBTS sympathizer if not outright a JW. There are exchanges on this forum from ~14 years ago that show that he distributed WTBTS literature such as the Kingdom Interlinear to his students as textbooks and that he is highly biased, claiming that every scholar that does not adhere to the WTBTS viewpoint is biased.
Even reviewers of his book outright state that he only accepts and defends the Jehovah's Witness viewpoints and thus his book is incredibly biased for anyone that does not accept those viewpoints while at the same time stating that HE alone in his field is not biased at all. You can't imagine the hubris that guy must have to claim he is infallible, if anything, it sounds like he may have been involved in the translation of the NWT himself (given the authors have never been revealed) and thus feels the need to defend it.
This is a quote from BeDuhn on EVERY other biblical scholar: I do not "ignore" these predecessors and colleagues, but rather find fault with their highly biased approach and surprisingly fallacious claims.
You can find a scholarly rebuttal to the BeDuhn books here and it isn't good for BeDuhn:
Note that BeDuhn's appendix on the NWT use of Jehovah even where it isn't in ANY extant translation, BeDuhn's arguments are basically the same arguments which the WTBTS uses to justify the mistranslation. You could literally read his book and put earlier WT articles and see the arguments are a copy.