hoarding would be a natural for a doomsday cult. sophisticated survival preparations another thing. I did not see a sign of that in the bunker bonkers video. As a joke it is always good to say, "we'll keep that for the great tribulation ha ha.
Anxiety, OCD, Hoarding, and the JWs
by Spiral 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Sail Away
I have been highly stressed. I feel like I'm handling things fairly well, but then I start having nightmares in which I begin to have panic attacks. I have lucid dreams, so I can often wake myself up or change something in the dream to ease the painic.
The triggers for this always seem to be related to situations where I have little or no control or say, such as while going through TSA check points or customs and immigration at large international airports when the agents are harried and yelling at paying customers. I get overwhelmed and confused which doesn't help. Even thinking of public speaking does it too.
I was having panic attacks and or dissociating during ministry school talks during the last 10 of my 42 years in. Think about how much they controlled even in that one situation-- as a sister, they assigned your partner, your counsel point, the theme, the setting (Our school overseer seemed to get perverse pleasure from pairing you up with an inappropriate partner for the given material or a bizarre setting that would just never happen.), the material, the number of scriptures (not more than 3), the structure (intro, body, conclusion), notes or outlines only, no scripts (extemperaneous speaking preferred) and the timing with that damned bell. Don't even get me started on the control around assemblies and conventions.
I just got back from a trip overseas to visit family. My husband couldn't go, because of work and caring for his elderly parents. I don't fly internationally with my service dog (too fearful of what might happen to her.)
Today there is no food in the house, a blizzard is coming tonight, and I'm immobilized with my service dog on my lap on my couch, intermittently crying and shaking.
I've been in therapy since 2012 for PTSD and generalised anxiety disorder, and I've been out of the Borg for over six years.
Lol trust me, there is definitely a lot of anxiety, depression, and OCD in Jdubs. I mean just look at me XD I have literally all these
I came across a few JW hoarders can't speak for every JW as you don't get to see how every JW lives and what's in their closets, although, what made JW hoarders different to the usual mountains-of-crap extreme hoarders you see on those shows they were neat, clean mountains-of-crap.
OCD in some or another was rife. One could argue that being a JW itself is a form of OCD. Not surprising really, all those culty non-sensical rules do your head in if you take them seriously enough. Every Jdud I ever met was "thingy" about something.
What I do notice is that the JW females, they are always moisturizing, sanitizing or digging in their purses...I think what most suffer from is PAYING ATTENTION...so busy trying to look neat, & holy...There is a sister that seems to always be picking at her fingers...
As I go out in the field with some of them I get to know them better...not to say I don't have any issues but when they get an ear, wow can they talk...I just listen...I think many of them would bleach bleach if they could...they clean so much because there is something in them they can't clean away so they clean the outside of the cup not the inside...as we all know JW's don't do anything unless they are seen, most need a pat on their back...aka: Needy..
What I find them suffering from is suppression...not depression...can't have sex, only married folks, can't debate any doctrine, must go to meetings even though it creates stress, they have no release...so no wonder they have issues...they got more than issues, they got magazines...
We all have ticks but some more than others....
I clean when I feel to do it...but most of them keep a spotless home...but don't open their minds...
sail away,
I have sent you a warm fire to read my pm by.
Anyone else see this?
Yes, especially eating disorders. Remember, food is the one an only pleasurable thing that they don't attack.
Also, seeing so many people with so many different mental health issues in the last congregation I went to was one of the most influential factors that made me decide to leave. It was heart breaking (in some instances) seeing and noticing people in pain waiting for their magic Jehovah to make their issues go away.
Lost in the fog
You have forgotten the most obvious type of OCD, namely scrupulosity. The obsession that you are in some way offending the Almighty. This is very common among the Witnesses.
Here is an OCD article which explains it better than I ever could.
Before I woke-up,I would get anxiety attacks,while preparing to go to the meeting. Sometimes,I didn't make the meeting,or if I got there,I would have to leave right away, And other times,I would just have to go in the back,I couldn't stand being in the main auditorium.
Many other Witnesses have told me ,they have the same problem. I think it's your body,mind,trying to tell you something,you're not ready to accept yet.
days of future passed
I've known a few witnesses with Panic attacks plus fear of going over bridges. I suffered from anxiety attacks over armaggedon. The witness at work is OCD. The wife of a JW co-worker has tons of strange health issues.
I think there is a correlation between feeling out of control with your life and having these compulsions. As a JW, your life (future as well as present) is dependent on a God who is supposed to be loving, but could just as easily terminate your eternal life for one mistake at the wrong time. It allows you to focus on something else rather than that dark and frightening realization. I'm not saying that there isn't chemical/physical in-balances that need medicine tho.
I don't have that fear any longer, but I have to deal with getting old, losing out on things, etc. Still tough but at least I don't have to feel like the world could be ending everyday.