I don't know about an organized effort from HQ, but there was recently a case in Greece where a group was given illegal surveillance and they were JWs and ex JWs meeting together and being spied on by some local super-brothers or something. I can find no further reference to it, so if anyone has a copy of the article. . .
The entire 'proving adultery' thing-or finding people's secret sins is SO off. They can play police, but everyone sins in different ways-they can't spy on our thoughts or all of our deeds. They need to leave some things to conscience. If a man thinks, in good conscience that his former wife is sleeping with someone-why shouldn't there simply be a statement that to the best of his knowledge and according to his conscience, he is free to remarry? Why all the indignity?In the end, we all will supposedly face God, and all we have is our conscience-we can't be sure of anything else. A person staying all night in ones house isn't PROOF in any case. I have stayed all night in the home of platonic male friends. I bet many women have. We don't live in victorian england, and we don't have the vapours anymore either. What is wrong with treating adults like ADULTS?
Most 'sin' is not something they are gonna find out from spying, unless they are james bond-the ugliest things about most are inside-I don't expose my hateful thoughts to the world-and I am gonna repent them or NOT without a Judicial committee.
Sorry, just my random thoughts on the subject.
Whether or not they 'train' spies, they obviously practice self-righteous nosiness to a frightening degree. People here HAVE been outed because they revealed too much, haven't they? Someone is paying attention.