I think these critters are kind of cute actually doing what normal animals and normal humans do- just f-----g their brains out. Nothing wrong with that ! I mean- come on Ms. Ava Kwinter how would YOU like it if you were in the clutches of a nice orgasm with your husband or boyfriend and people were snapping pictures of you two " doing it " ? You think you'd start " growling and baring your teeth " if you were interrupted ? I bet you would. And I bet you are envious that Mr. Raccoon lasted 20 minutes - right ? Bet your hubby or boyfriend can't do that ! LOL.
I mean have you ever seen roosters & chickens do it ? O.K. I won't go there. But good lord, people having sex with each other and animals having sex with each other has happened for centuries without it making news ! I wonder if this woman " found it gross and disgusting " that her parents had to do the horizontal bop in order for HER to come into the world ? Or if she thinks it happened by osmosis ? The prudishness of some people never ceases to amaze me. Leave the lovemaking raccoons alone already ! Respect their privacy ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper