jehober "always'" protects his 'loyal servants'?

by eyeuse2badub 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • eyeuse2badub

    Last week I watched the docuseries on Prime Video called “The Last Narc”. It was mainly about the notorious Mexican Guadalajara drug cartel during the 70’s and 80’s and a United States DEA agent, Kiki Camerena, who was kidnapped, tortured, and murdered in Guadalajara, Mexico in 1984. This is a very well-known and haunting event here in the USA.

    However, there was also about a 7-8 minute segment during the docuseries that graphically detailed the kidnapping, rape, and murder of 4 Jehovah’s Witnesses that also took place just days before Kiki Camerena was taken. The JW’s were 2 married couples, US citizens, Dennis and Rose Carlson, Ben and Pat Mascarenas. Their remains have never been recovered! According to the docuseries, the 4 jw’s were suspected by the cartel to be DEA undercover agents. But in reality, these young couples had moved to Mexico to preach where the “need was greater” and were innocently doing the “Lord’s work” that fateful day when they disappeared there off the street in Guadalajara. Not just kidnapped, but raped, tortured, and murdered!

    And then there is also a more recent event involving ‘Jehovah’s loyal servants’ that really stands out!

    On November 6, 2013 Typhoon Haiyan hit the Philippines. Tragically 43 ‘loyal jw’s’ lost their lives! But the real irony is the fact that 22 of those ‘loyal servants of Jehovah’ were swept out to sea, never to be seen again, while they were gathered together inside their Kingdom Hall for worship!

    Lesson learned is that Jehovah always protects his servants--------------except when he doesn’t!

    just saying!

  • waton

    Only the wt organisation is protected, not individuals.

    like you have the floating ark, but the passengers might be dead.

  • truth_b_known

    The mental gymnastics Witnesses go through on this topic is of gold medal Olympic proportions. When such events happen and the Witnesses seem to be miraculously saved the response is - "Praise Jehovah! Faithfully remaining loyal to Jehovah and his organization will literally save your life." When such tragedies happen and the outcome is not so nice the response comes in one of two forms -

    "It is as the Bible says, 'Time and unforeseen circumstances,'" or

    "They must have had a 'secret sin' that caused Jehovah to remove his protection."

    So, the question to present in the 2 tragedies listed in the original post is this - Which was it? Did 2 JW couples who moved to a foreign nation because "the need was great" end up raped, tortured, and murdered because of dumb luck or did they have a secret sin? Did 43 Witnesses drowned to death after being swept out to sea because of dumb luck or were all 43 committing a secret sin that caused Jehovah to remove his protection?

    A Witness might respond "Sometimes Jehovah protects his faithful people because they yet still have some purpose to fulfill got him." To which I would respond, "Do you mean the same God who has 8 million servants worldwide, but who would use rocks to cry out if no one proclaimed his holy name?"

    In short, the Watchtower's own teaching in writing states that those 2 couples had to be allowed to be tortured, raped, and murdered to prove that humankind needs God and to prove Satan's claim that humans do not need God a lie. 43 Witnesses who agree with that statement had their lives cut short by drowning at see to prove that same point.

  • Bill Covert
    Bill Covert

    Dennis and Rose were my neighbors. I was the first person to be notified by sheriff's office as they went to last known address when notified by US State Dept..

    There was a piece in local paper at the outset of the "El Chapo trial" that indicated that the rapes and murders of Rose, Pat and Dennis and Ben could be part of the trial, in that El Chapo did the raping and killing. But that was never brought up.

    If you are in a situation where you need to hide money place it in your box of Kotex. That is where Dennis's dad found it even though the place had been searched by police several times. I believe the dad got beaten by the chief of police. Later the chief of police was in the news for his connection with the drug lord.

    My ex is good friends with Dennis's brother family. I have been completely shut out of any info from inside the church wall of silence so been cut off from interactions. But their lives are not in great shape.

    1984 was a major year for me as it was the first occasion I saw in print that the church was back peddling on Matt.24:34 when they said "we would be preaching to the sons and daughter of those sighing and groaning in Ezk. 9:4". It was also the start of the "obedience to the organization mantra", which brought to reality Judge Rutherford's religion being a "snare" in that the judicial process was hijacked from being at protectorate of the flock to being an instrument to control dissent. That was also the start of Rutherford's religion being a "racket" as the church conspired to violate Federal Banking laws in an effort to create cash flow by means of interest paying building loans for "two day Kingdom Halls". But that is just part of my soap box on this site as to the Sept. 1 1987 Wt article "A Time to Speak When?" uniquely being the only church policy fabricated from a deception.

    So 1984, Dennis, Rose, Ben and Pat lives under go sheer horror and the church starts its journey down the Splain explanation of the "master delaying" of Matt.24:34 . Gives real meaning to the term "wicked and evil slave" Matt.24: 48.

  • LongHairGal


    I remember back when those JWs were murdered and I remember saying to some elder that something like that supposedly should ‘not happen’.

    The elder just gave me the shoulder shrug as if to say who knows. I was bothered by this because presumably the angels should have been protecting the JWs in their work! Guess not.

  • Overrated

    The invisible skydaddy takes a break here in there when it comes to protecting his people. You get more out of praying to a gallon of milk then to Jehoeber especially when he is asleep at the switch more then half the time.

  • eyeuse2badub

    When this tragedy of the 4 jw's in Guadalajara became news here in the USA I was an elder in a northern California Bay Area congregation. The irony of these murders especially struck me when I heard the names of those young couples because, nearly 10 years earlier, about 1974, another young brother, who was serving at Brooklyn Bethel, and also named Dennis Carlson was also murdered. It happened one Saturday morning while cleaning the kingdom hall that he attended.

    Dennis was in my congregation when we lived in the Los Angeles area, a personal friend, and a regular (100 hour a month) pioneer in the early 70's before he went to Bethel. So he was a Bethelite cleaning the kingdom hall at the time he was murdered. WTF!

    the following is an excerpt from a book entitled;

    Bethel: Murder Death and Suicide at the Lord's House

    JW / Ex-JW Tales

    Chapter 31

    Murder, Suicide and Death at the big house

    "While I was there Dennis Carlson was murdered cleaning his kingdom hall. It’s seems that Richard Wheelock was conducting a home Bible study with a young Muslim woman. Her brother was in a rage and wanted to find Richard and talk to him. He went to the Kingdom hall looking for Richard but found a small group of Bethelities who were there cleaning the hall. He asked Dennis for Richards address. Dennis turned around to write the address down on a piece of paper. The Muslim took out a nine inch knife and drove into Dennis’s back and into his heart. They say Dennis had a total look of surprise on his face. Nobody ever expects to be killed and certainly no one expects to be killed while they are cleaning their Kingdom Hall." WTF!

    just saying!

  • LongHairGal


    That sad story about the JW killed because some other brother was talking with a Muslim woman was not publicized..I only heard about it on here.

    In those countries somebody would get the death penalty for proselytizing...let alone talking to a woman! So, it stands to reason that if these people are in the US the response would be hostile.

    The point of all this is that the Witness work is dangerous - especially to the rank & file JWs who are on the front lines as it were. Going out and talking to the public about anything is dangerous - let alone the topic of religion and to people with hostile opposing viewpoints!!..Meanwhile, I didn’t want to be at somebody’s door in the first place and not totally convinced about what I was even supposed to be preaching.

    When I found out about TTATT I was absolutely overjoyed to stop the wasted work in any public ministry!.. But, then again, in my case, I was a low hour publisher anyway..No regrets. So very glad I never spent more hours on this waste of time and resources which was never very safe in the first place!!!

  • mickbobcat

    except for when he does not. Voltaire said god is always on the winning side but he keeps changing sides.

  • Betheliesalot
    Betheliesalot Ive seen so many stories about witnesses who have gone to the dark side. Stories on 20/20 , the Candaleria murder, 2 skinhead brothers in Pa that murdered their JW family, just so many that it raises the question about who they bring into their fold. Just wondering if there have been any physiological studies of this bahavior.

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