right after the invention of religion , that is sacrificing to the deity, 100% of true worshippers were wiped out. God knew about it, did not stay the stave.
jehober "always'" protects his 'loyal servants'?
by eyeuse2badub 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Growing up as a JW kid in the 60s and 70s every Circuit Overseer would tell tales of JWs saved from some horrible natural catastrophe or crime. I heard the tale of the Pioneer sister who was not killed because the killer said a huge man was standing next to her. all these tales at the hall or assembly elicited oohs and ahhs from the audience. Even the yearbook would throw in a few more tales. "Jehovah protects us"!! yay
Then I went to Bethel and heard in hushed whispers all the tales of missing pioneer sisters who while in service alone ran into a crazed "collector" only to have their cold cases cleared years later. I was told to never repeat the stories because it might "stumble" some. How many of these women might have been saved from a horrifying end had Bethel been truthful???
Well that’s yet MORE news to me about whispered stories in bethel. This time about missing pioneer sisters!
But I’m not surprised as far as missing sisters who became victims, when looking back in retrospect. The very nature of the public ministry with conversations with strangers and return visits with smiling sisters might make women perfect targets for somebody with bad intent, sad to say...I suppose that’s why years ago I recall everybody was urged never to go alone to any door.
I’m sorry for anybody who became a victim. It’s interesting how the truth about tragic things like this leaks out years later..in spite of all the paranoid secrecy in the religion.
This is not a current dilemma.
In the first century, Herod Agrippa was able to kill James, but when he imprisoned Peter, an angel saved him.
Yes.... stuff happens . It is a fact of life and J Ws are as much at risk as anybody else.
in 2017 a bro. went to an empty K Hall down in Devon. He was there to do a job of work. While he was there alone a man turned up and accosted him, stabbing him fatally. There was nothing wrong about the victim, he was just unlucky... The killer was later committed to a secure mental institution.
So the man enjoyed no special protection from Jehovah.
Long before I lost faith in it, I had worked out that there was no protection in this life.
Back in the 80's somebody planted a bomb in an Australian K Hall. It went off during the meeting with some loss of life and serious injuries.someone sent us a tape recording of a talk in which a speaker attempted to explain God's protection, saying ,in effect , that it could have been far worse. That was no explanation for us and we recognized that they were just victims of a horrible crime.
Of course a dub might say that Jehovah protects his people in the long run by the provision of a resurrection hope !
Y'all should know how this works by now:
Given a JW in a dangerous situation:
Outcome 1: JW is saved = "Jehovah protected him/her"
Outcome 2: JW dies = "Ecclesiastes 9:11, time and unforeseen occurrence befall them all"
There is no outcome, result, or situation that can't be justified to a true believer (actually any true believer, JW or not).