Outlaw -- you are priceless! LOL re/your art. All the negativity of the day and your sunset picture was so needed/thanks!
How Far Up The Ladder Did You Go In JW Land?
by minimus 82 Replies latest jw friends
I made it all the way to part time auxiliary pioneer, mike handler and sound dude.
Ooooh, touch me!
Brokeback Watchtower
I climbed up to bull shit elder, after a few years quietly resigned during Co visit along with another elder my next door neighbor, it took another two or three years and I was out for good.
When a Pioneer is really tired and and can't carry on, they start up an Auxiliary, waiting back at the car :0)
Auxiliary pioneer.
PROUD to say in 40+ yrs I was NEVER shamed into pioneering----not even one time. Seldom made 10 hr/month field service, yet I still "served" as an appointed man for years.
Buck Rogers
I do believe I got to the heady rank of unbaptized, bad association due to my family lol.
I did pioneering but I didn't even consider that a part of the ladder, I made the grade of publisher , I was of the wrong opinion that everyone was of the same value in gods eyes , so I couldn't see the value of having stripes on my shoulders and extra work for no extra pay. But I do know for a fact now that the celestial powers our elders enjoy has no bounds of human interference. If there is anything that I'm truly grateful for is not " qualifying " for eldership, so now I don't have a bothered soul for spoon feeding this shit to these poor sheep who were forever made to feel guilty and never good enough. I would feel forever plagued if I was on a committee that kicked an under age kid out of the church.
I became a MS but wasnt interested in becoming an Elder ,my philosophy in life was to be a middle roader I didnt want to lead the cavalry and I didnt want to be the last soldier .
I feel rather deficient compared to many of the achievers here, I suppose it goes down to only spending just five full years as a baptised adult before I started to see behind the curtain, auxiliary pioneered, reaching out to be a MS which I was told was'nt too far away, platform and hall attendant!