If the court gets a judgment whether or not they want to pay I think they can garnish the org. They may attach it to assets
Judge sanctions WTS - $4k per day penalty for not producing sex abuse documents
by Simon 221 Replies latest watchtower scandals
- Lower court uses first level instrument to make WT comply: a $4k per day punishment.
That suggests that they can raise the fine. If compound interest is also applied even 1.4 million a year could become serious money in five to ten years. There are penalties for unpaid fine's.
The Society has assets in California. They own the Kingdom Halls now ..........just saying.
On the other hand if they release the names of 30,000 suspected or confirmed pedophiles the law suits will multiply by a 1,000 percent. The shock to all JW's world wide would pretty much finish off the religion as we now know it.
In response to Chief Justice George’s 2003 declaration elevating the collection of court-ordered debt to a top priority, the California State Legislature passed Senate Bill 940 (Stats. 2003, ch. 275), which was enacted on January 1, 2004. The legislation required that the California Judicial Council survey collection programs on current collection processes and adopt guidelines and standards for a statewide comprehensive program for the collection of fines, fees, penalties, and assessments imposed by court order.
problemaddict 2
I would like to correct something. WT doesn't only use its own lawyers. I know one of the lawyers for an outside firm that handles their cases (at there internal staffs direction). His words......."they are a great client. they pay their bills on time, and they are always in trouble."
Once a court makes a judgement, that judgement is enforceable through liens. More likely, they will just write the checks and continue to appeal. At some point the strategy is to throw more and more resources against the court, to wear them down. I hope SD doesn't go for it. So far, they seem to not be having any of this.
I need to ask again......has this letter even been leaked here?
problemaddict: I would like to correct something. WT doesn't only use its own lawyers. I know one of the lawyers for an outside firm that handles their cases (at there internal staffs direction). His words......."they are a great client. they pay their bills on time, and they are always in trouble."
That makes sense. After watching the performance of Watchtower lawyers at the Royal Commission, I totally understand why the WT would hire outside lawyers.
I, for one, am happy that they're starting with lower penalties. The last time the judge jumped to summary judgement, it got thrown out on appeal. This way they'll be given chances to comply (and we know they probably won't, arrogantly thinking Jehovah will swoop in and save them) with escalating sanctions until they get to summary judgement. This will cost them more in the long run and there will be less of a chance for them to appeal. Slow and steady wins the race.
Giordano - "On the other hand, if they release the names of 30,000 suspected or confirmed pedophiles the law suits will multiply by a 1,000 percent."
Screwed if they do, buggered if they don't.
Orphancrow - "After watching the performance of Watchtower lawyers at the Royal Commission, I totally understand why the WT would hire outside lawyers."
I know, right?
If I were a member of the WTS Legal Dept, I'd be very preoccupied with two things...
a) ...keeping GB members off the stand, and...
b) ...anxiously planning my exit from the WTS Legal Dept.
Orphancrow - "His words... 'they are a great client. they pay their bills on time, and they are always in trouble'..."
OMG, that's the funniest goddamn thing I've read all day.
What are the names of the Law Firms that the WTBTS hires with Jeehobo's money?? Is that public knowledge? Was Monica Applewhite there? 😏
......."they are a great client. they pay their bills on time, and they are always in trouble."
That should tell you something. The Society is up to their eyeballs in manure and the R&F haven't a clue.