Problemaddict2 - "Has any court in America ever taken down, or gone head to head with an established religion? and won?"
First time for everything.
Besides, the tide of public opinion is far less on the side of organized religion now than it ever was before, and whether anyone wants to acknowledge it or not, said public opinion does have an impact on court proceedings.
And I've suggested before that if the Courts eventually felt compelled to "make and example" of a group to mollify public outcry (not a completely unrealistic scenario), the WTS has no "friends in high places" to come to bat for them... they are generally disliked, and would therefore garner very public sympathy... and are actually culpable for egregious offenses (not to mention that they avail themselves of many gov-subsidized public services, yet give virtually nothing in return).
In the Information Age, I don't think it's unrealistic to suggest that the Supreme Court might rule certain expressions of religious extremism as unconstitutional, with fines and sanctions as penalties.
And on a related note, the IRS revokes the tax-exempt status of approximately 100 different groups a year, for various violations... churches included. The WTS was apparently threatened with that very thing a few years back (related to the pedo problem), and they were willing to scrap the at-home Book Study rather than lose their "charitable" status.