Satan is the number one enemy of Gods chosen ones a.k.a. the JW's.
As far as they are concerned, this whole world belongs to the devil and is designed by him to make life hard for true Christians.
With that in mind, why has Satan made it easier than ever before to preach the good news?
Web based applications across multiple platforms means anyone armed with a smartphone -and these days that means pretty much everyone, can now access the abundant spiritual feast provided by the hard working slave. You don't even require a JW to knock at your door.
Video presentations, an online bible library, WT publications library, fancy new songs in almost any genre that turns you on - except heavy metal and rap of course- all available at the press of a button. You can even donate online to show your appreciation for the amazing abundance.
Without Satan and his world full of higher education, encouraging people to learn skills that can actually help the human race, none of this would be possible.