Good point Pete,
Its as if its a blessing to lose all 10 children and everything you own. Maybe Job lived long enough to have more kids and a good life but what about his kids, who weren't quite so lucky because of a bet between god and satan?
Here it is directly from My book of bible stories:
‘He is faithful,’ Satan argued, ‘because you bless him and he has many good things. But if you take these away, he will curse you.’
So Jehovah said: ‘Go ahead. Take them away. Do all the bad things you want to Job. We will see if he curses me. Only be sure that you do not kill him.’
First, Satan had men steal Job’s cattle and camels, and his sheep were killed. Then he killed his 10 sons and daughters in a storm. Next, Satan struck Job with this terrible sickness. Job suffered very much. That is why Job’s wife told him: ‘Curse God and die.’ But Job would not do it. Also, three false friends came and told him he had lived a bad life. But Job kept faithful.
This made Jehovah very happy, and afterward he blessed Job, as you can see in the picture. He healed him from his sickness. Job had 10 more beautiful children, and twice as many cattle, sheep and camels as he had before.