Evolutionist on their deathbed.

by Nimble duck 59 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sparrowdown

    Nimble duck, nucking futs, whatever.

    What the f is the matter with you?

  • tepidpoultry

    Obviously a nasty sort,

    I'm outta here

    Life is too short,

    There are just so many decent people out there,


  • cofty
    What the f is the matter with you?

    Superstitious fear probably.

  • deegee

    Wow Hairtrigger!

    Seems more like "Poettrigger"

    That was a great ad lib. Love it.

  • Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
    Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho

    @Nimble Duck: "I would really like to read the thoughts of an evolutionist as they lie on their deathbed."

    Well, Nimble Duck. You no longer need to read the thoughts when there is plenty of information available for militant athiests on their deathbeds. One such example is the late, great Christopher Hitchens. On his deathbed, he remarked that the prospective of an afterlife appeared even more hollow than previously. In an interview prior to his passing, he had the following to say:

    COOPER: In a moment of doubt… there might be a moment when you want to hedge your bets.

    HITCHENS: If that comes, it will be when I am very ill; when I am half demented, either by drugs or by pain. I won’t have control over what I say. I mention this in case you ever hear a rumor later on, because these things happen and the faithful love to spread these rumors. I can’t say that the entity, that by then wouldn’t be me, wouldn’t do such a pathetic thing. But I can tell you that… not when I’m lucid, no. I can be quite sure of that.

    COOPER: So if there is some story that on your deathbed–

    HITCHENS: –Don’t believe it.

    I suppose the only triumph one might consider of a last-minute conversion to Christianity is, at least the world will be losing another believer and not an atheist.

  • Finkelstein

    One last quote from Mark Twain .....


  • Nimble duck
    Nimble duck

    I cannot do the Vulcan mind meld like Leonard. I will just have to go on what the atheists here have offered.

    You must have read too many Watchtower and Awake magazines from the fear mongering Watchtower Corporation .

    You do realize this organization is a lying corrupt commercial fraud don't you ?

    Seems that the fink assumes much. No, finky, I am not a Watchtower supporter and I am not deluded. I want Watchtower to burn. Keep assuming though, it's the only way you can support the theory of evolution.


    What is your motive/objective?

    Are you trying to use the fear of death to scare people into believing in an afterlife?

    Degree... were you "scared"?? Did my post scare you? I don't give a ratz azz what you believe. You also assume much... that I care what you believe. You can believe the Darwin fairy will put a bone under your pillow if you are a good boy all year. I can see you looking down your nose at me btw.

    Imagine the theist fearing eternity in hell?

    what an awful thought

    theists talk about this stuff to fluff up their egos. They laugh about others dying. Very "Christian".

    On the mark regarding hell. But, I hope you are not applying the last thought to me sir/madam. I will assume, in your favor, that your finger was pointing elsewhere.

    Confidence about what goes on in people's minds is a rare delusion seldom troubled by reason or evidence.

    Paired with the adolescent ability to taunt,..

    When insult passes itself off as reasoned commentary you just know the poster hasn't quite hit rock bottom.

    Your first statement is BS. Sorry. No other words for it. You made it up. Freud is frowning. And if you took insult, you did it on your own.


    We understand how scary it is for you to confront & come to terms with your mortality..........it is the curse if consciousness so I know that it must be you who is squirming, squirming, squirming.

    Get over your self-importance ND & confront your mortality.

    Don't give in to the thread. I thought you were better than that. "self-importance"... don't point that finger at me.

    Your thread fails miserably.

    You presuppose, all evolutionists are atheists.

    You presuppose, what all those evolutionists who are all atheists, are thinking.

    I thought you were better than to accuse people of being 'uneducated' because they didn't agree with your viewpoint. Now, I think THAT is a presupposition. As far as my thread failing, well I would say a failed thread is one that doesn't push people to think or post their thoughts. Hey, even you posted here. So how can it be a "failed thread"?

    Most Christians accept the theory of evolution, and consider the book of Genesis as metaphorical, not literal history.

    If you stick around Nimble Duck, you might learn a few things here. But please don't troll; it makes Jehovah sad.

    The first statement is BS. Unfounded and wrong. As far as 'sticking around', you assume you know the facts. As far as "troll" is concerned, I am no more "sowing discord" than the atheists are who jump all over anyone who professes their still belief in God post Watchtower. As far as "Jehovah" is concerned, you assume I believe that is God's name, which I do not, and you have used it in a demeaning way to paint me as stupid, uneducated and deluded child of the Watchtower religion.

    Imagine being on your death bed after having been told for the past seventy years ...

    Interesting and true. It's got nothing to do with me, of course, but interesting in its own rite.

    @Nimble Duck: "I would really like to read the thoughts of an evolutionist as they lie on their deathbed."

    Well, Nimble Duck. You no longer need to read the thoughts when there is plenty of information available for militant athiests on their deathbeds. One such example is the late, great Christopher Hitchens... I suppose the only triumph one might consider of a last-minute conversion to Christianity is, at least the world will be losing another believer and not an atheist.
    I suppose the only triumph one might consider of a last-minute conversion to Christianity is, at least the world will be losing another believer and not an atheist.
    This was interesting. It was the first post that actually addressed the topic. I won't say that it allowed me into the deepest recesses of the atheist's mind on the deathbed, but it was on track. However, the final comment was crass. You know what you meant.

    I think my intent was clear. I wanted to point out that we all die. It's going to happen. Ignoring funeral plans because it's too difficult to cope with, due to your not really being sure of what you believe, is not a life plan.

    Lot's of people profess lots of stuff. Do they really believe it? The governing bastards profess lots of stuff. But they betray their stuff behind everyone's back. Big fat hippo critters. Plenty of dubs I know profess stuff. But they do that which demonstrates otherwise. I know Muslims who profess stuff and do otherwise when the Imam's not around. Same for Catholics and Protestants. And atheists.

    I can see a Catholic lying on their deathbed, or a JW, unsure of what they professed their whole life, because they really never believed it.

    But the Catholics aren't on here, shoving Catholicism down everyone's throat, criticizing those who refuse to gobble the gook.

    JW's are leaving the religion. They are finding this site and others. This site is becoming of no use in helping them. They come here and quickly learn that the only option in leaving the Watchtower BS religion is to become an atheist.

    And frankly evolutionists and atheists do not have the answers. And I recon that the bulk of them are as unsure of their beliefs as are the religionists. When push comes to shove.

    And the push is shoving hard when you are on the gurney with the tubes in.

  • Annon

    At least someone who does not believe in god will have no nagging doubts that he/she has not done enough to please him.

  • stuckinarut2

    Show me the evidence for a supreme deity....

    Not some book that is supposedly his word ; because that word shows him to be a disturbingly messed up deity.

    Also, don't point to "the world around us" ; as there are numerous evidences to prove there was no "intelligent design" behind that.

    So, again, show us the proof... without such proof, the hypothesis that "atheists will turn to God on their death bed" makes no sense!

    Will I on my death bed turn to following a sporting team that I have never had an emotional attachment to while living? No!

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions
    Do they really believe that they will be gone, truly gone, forever, like they never existed in the first place?


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