Not had time for news today but headline somewhere NYC is the next LA hot homeless mess. Thought NY had enough homeless of their own - hope it doesn't become as bad as LA.
New York City...OMG What Is Happening??
by minimus 56 Replies latest jw friends
Before long, it will be the whole planet. Communism is spreading through the cities, and when Biden and the Lizard become president and vice president, we are up s*** creek without a paddle, in a barbed wire canoe. The law will be against anyone that is against communism, not against those that are ruining it for everyone. In addition, we will lose all of our monuments. Names such as Washington, Franklin, Lincoln, and Jefferson will be deemed as offensive as "Hitler" is today--and all our symbols will be deemed offensive. Even old coins (and by "old", I mean Indian head cents, Buffalo and Jefferson nickels, Washington quarters, Barber and seated liberty coins, and even the Lincoln pennies.
And yes, they will have plenty of resources to come after anyone possessing these things. They will also go after everyone that tries keeping history alive. Even such as music from the past will go down the memory hole. Remember rap music? Heavy metal? Disco and funk? Hard rock, bubblegum, psychedelic rock, and even soft rock? Country? All except Barbra Scheißand goes right down the memory hole. And yes, they will prioritize enforcement of this rule instead of keeping our cities safe.
When? As soon as Biden and The Lizard take office.
Mob rules (Democratic parties and affiliates - BLM/Antifa and released prisoners - the Elites and ilk) not the "President."
Followed your link. The only thing wrong with what I saw was the fellow in the vehicle. I was taught that you never point a weapon at something if you are not willing to pull the trigger, and you never pull the trigger unless you are willing to kill what you are aiming at. The guy in the vehicle made a hollow threat. He should have kept his pistol holstered, or shot the other guy. Half measures serve no purpose. IMO
Keep your powder dry, and your "tools" of protection well maintained. The need for them is getting more obvious every day.
You get the best pizza in NYC. Grab it, hold it, fold it, eat it.
That Chicago deep dish thing is like eating lasagna. Very good, but it is not pizza. If you need to make a reservation to a place and use a knife and fork, it is not pizza. Sorry.
To minimus--> To correct you, this is not happening in NYC--I know about this since I live there. The mayhem and destruction is occurring within Portland, OR. Although NYC is still experiencing crime in some areas, it is not as devastating as you described. 🤨
WIZARD - who is the "Lizard?" lol. So, it will be Fossil Biden and Lizard - perfect!
FedUp - Yep - gun dealers, reputable stores can't keep anything on the shelves. Heard couple mos ago folks on both sides of the political party - prob Independents, too, standing in long lines waiting to buy whatever they had left in store. This is unreal.
Never imagined having to search for out-of-state medical in case in need of COVID 19 life-saving med, Hydroxychloroquine, and worrying about owning/operating firearms! Unimaginable - hello socialism. People say we're going to end up in civil war - others say it won't go that far. Oh my - this is not liberalism or I missed something.
Isn’t unemployment and lack of money a huge factor? - unfortunately, I'm unemployed and don't have much money.
Can I smash shop windows and loot stuff?
stan livedeath
in the UK we had all the riots in Lozells Birmingham....but that was 35 years ago.
Minimus, I am late to the conversation, I apologize for responding late, but I gotta say, as a New Yorker living in mid-town Manhattan, I am very offended by your comment.
NYC remains a wonderful place. Several weeks ago I saw a few peaceful marches, but never what you describe. I tried to find the videos about the "fires." Maybe I missed something, but I did not see anything that comes close to the mayhem you suggest.
Yes, NYC is suffering a severe economic disaster. And, yes, you can find pockets of idiots (including our mayor). But, never forget that NYC will survive. It is actually far more pleasant without all those damn tourists walking at 3 miles an hour.