Say "Holy crap, are you still in that cult? Good God man, there's this thing called the internet, look into it!"
Lost on how to respond...
by babygirl30 51 Replies latest jw friends
This guy has probably thought about you a lot over the past 8 years. It's clear that you were his first love. I would say be kind, be gracious, and still get your point across. You must think he's an essentially good person, or you would not have given him so many chances
'The best revenge is to live well.' Oscar Wilde said this, and he would know! It's been one of my favorite quotes for over 30 years, and words to live by.
He's the one stuck in a cult, and you are free. It sounds like he's always been kind. Take the high road. (It is also the intellectual and smart thing to do, and will show your contentment in life, and lack of need for 'Jehovah'). xx tal
It took me a long time to learn this,but we don't owe anyone an explanation.
Funny thing about your emails and mistakes from the past. I think about the past. And the mistakes that I have made. And you. And my feelings. And my feelings about you.
Maybe one of this days I will call you. Maybe you are the one who I need to talk to. I will call you soon.
(and then wait for his answer)
I like to say things like: Oh, I’m doing great! I’m in better health, I work less and spend much more time with my family, and I also have more freedom to land a helping hand to people around me. Back in the days, I had huge material dreams, now, I realize, it’s all about what we do, not what we own.
Last week, I made a grocery for a friend in need. Sure, I needed that money to, but she sure needed it more than me. I also give my time you know… like my old neighbor, when his snow blower broke, I took care of his driveway until spring! I try to give more, do more, and judge much less. For instance, I give to beggars in the streets now, even if it’s just a little. I do what I can. I would hate to withhold my help from someone who really needed it that day.
And you know, in the end, I know that this is God’s will. Like the Samaritan. Sure he didn’t follow the rules like the Priest and the Levite, but he sure did more than the two of them put together simply by taking care of the ill. In the end, it’s all about love baby. Giving and spreading the love.
babygirl30...Great response! Perfect in fact.
NTS for future reference.
Babygirl...stuff happens........n stuff☺ go with it. Dont let a delusional dude take you down. Get to the beach, lake, river, mountain, etc.....n find you somethin nice.....ok?
Do dat. N stuff........yeah...mad 1
I had to take the evening just to think of a response because I wanted so badly to lash out at him. But it wouls be misplaced, as he is what I used to be - a drone. This guy has wanted to get married, have a family, and be an elder his whole life...and only the elder appointment has been whats come ti fruition. This is a very smart, kind, and decent brother - who is now in his mid 40s and still single (may/may not be a virgin) to this day.
In a way, I feel sorry for him - more then anger. Because he is stuck. I knew it back when we were friends and he proved it now...same situation. At the very least I can say Ive grown as a person, formed a persona outside the org, and have become a very independent woman and loving friend. But as was said, I have learned I dont need to give any explanations about my choices and thank you all for cosigning my email back to him. I was conflicted for a split second, but not anymore.
Right on ☺ -
Hey, guys, some of your recent replies suggest you haven''t read all the posts: Babygirl30 actually posted that she has now answered him a couple of pages back - and it was an awesome response!