Court denies summary judgement for Laurel Jehovah's Witnesses congregation

by OrphanCrow 161 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Fisherman
    I don't believe any attempt has been successful. LOL.

    Dear reader, that depends on what is meant by "attempt," "other attempt," and successful. If the Court is saying in their opinion that inspite of the reasons stated in their conclusion that they also feel that JW existing settings do not qualify or if that is what they mean by the term "genuine material fact," besides juvenile if such is deemed a basis, they pulled it through to deny the summary judgement based on jw confession setting qualifications.

  • Fisherman

    Funny to those that read (like dagney) The document was already posted in ts entirety without your cut and paste.

  • Vidiot

    Fisherman - "Who has the authority to dictate to the church what standard they must use to qualify for 909...?"

    Gee, I dunno... the authorities who ratify 909?

    Fisherman - "You are standing where you ought not when you impose your standards on the church. That is church's holy place."

    Spoken like a True Belieber.

  • Fisherman
    vid: Remarks about my posts
  • Vidiot

    OrphanCrow - "Comparing the JC process to the confession of other churches is like comparing apples to oranges..."


    More like comparing potatoes to oranges... you don't even grow them in the same environments.

  • Fisherman

    The Court is wrong. Penitent does not mean a Catholic parishioner going to a priest to confess his sins according to the Catholic church version religion. It only means the confidentiality that exists between a minister and the person going to him for spiritual help even if the discipline is not penance consisting of 10 hail maries., 100 our fathers and 1 glory be.The judge has no business defining what that spiritual help is and what the religious setting should be.

    Penitent means anyone according to age and mental legal requirements that goes to his minister for spiritual help. The conversation is confidential same as talking to a lawyer.

  • Vidiot

    Fisherman - "The Court is wrong."

    Good thing you're here to set them straight, then.

    Fisherman - "The judge has no business defining what that spiritual help is and what the religious setting should be."

    He does if said "help" and setting results in the concealment of egregious criminal activities.

    Fisherman - "Penitent means anyone according to age and mental legal requirements that goes to his minister for spiritual help."

    Pretty sure a JW publisher attending his own Judicial Committee isn't there for "spiritual help".

    The words "Judicial Committee" should be your first clue.

  • Fisherman
    "Judicial Committee" Vid

    That is JW version of penitent priest relationship. You do not have to go to a catholic confession but if you die with a mortal sin you go to hell.

  • Vidiot

    Once again, potatoes and oranges...

    ...they have so little in common they're practically a different species.


    Gosh, you must really like the whole Judicial Committee arrangement. What's it done for you, anyway?

  • the girl next door
    the girl next door

    Ultimately, the court ruled that since the congregation had called a meeting with the adult member to discuss the issue, the member could not be deemed a “penitent” and the meeting to investigate allegations not a “sacramental confession.”

    Also, the court found the juvenile’s subsequent excommunication indicated he might not have willingly met with the elders, and did not consider the meeting as a form of repentance as part of absolution and a “sacramental confession.”

    Fisherman may think the court is wrong, just like Watchtower attorneys. But they find themselves going to trial anyway. As it should be. This case is about precedent. This case is in the grip of the State and the Department of Justice. Watchtower is in for a painful lesson. Again.

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