reading comprehension
Try reading FIRST! You ain't doing it.
by OrphanCrow 161 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
reading comprehension
Try reading FIRST! You ain't doing it.
@jwdaughter. Sorry, as you see I deleted what I typed. I think they have to fight it. It's potentially lose-lose as you say, but there's always a chance of a favorable higher court interpretation of the words 'sacramental confession'. The judge here has gone very literally. Another judge could view it as covering the JW judicial process. You raise a whole host of the other issues we all see with it there too.They really shouldn't be kicking this hard to avoid reporting serious criminal offences against minors. But they will. It's what they do.
That's ludicrous by any standard
Bolony. Who has the authority to dictate to the church what standard they must use to qualify for 909. It is sufficient that the provision allows confidentially.
But seeking spiritual advise isn't answering your door to two elders demanding to know whether you've had sex with a minor. Nor is it hauling a teenage boy before a group of men to force a confession out of him so that he can be shunned by his friends and family.
To make JWs twisted process fit, as it is, means that you have to consider every single thing said to an elder as being under sacramental confession. That's horse manure by any standards.
But seeking spiritual advise isn't..
You are standing where you ought not when you impose your standards on the church. That is church's holy place.
You are standing where you ought not when you impose your standards on the church. That is church holy business.
Sorry, you seem to have confused an accurate description of what isn't a sacramental confession with an imposition of standards. Do you really want to play the ludicrous argument of Aztec holy business demands sacrfiices to the blood god? Because that's a really, really dumb argument already settled in the US by the Supreme Court
A person in a religion who commits a sin/crime confessors to a minister/priest , whoever , and it remains solely between the two of them , then that is clergy privilege and confidentiality , it goes no further.
Jehovah`s Witnesses violate that procedure , their is no confidentiality because they involve multiple other party`s .including other Elders, and the Legal Department .
Jehovah`s Witnesses have always maintained they do not have a Clergy Class .So why appeal in a court of law that they do ?
A penitent who approaches a Clergy person does so to confess a wrongdoing and seek guidance and counselling , not to be subjected to a judicial Commission and be disfellow-shipped and shunned by family and friends of their religion .
In the case of a sex crime committed to a minor by an older person , it`s a legal responsibility for whoever know`s about it , clergy or not , to report it to the relevant authorities .
Jehovah`s Witnesses fail on all counts.
what isn't a sacramental confession
More bolony from you. JW "sacramental " confession is not about killing anyone to Aztec gods. It is confidentiality of the sins confessed to church elders.