I Have had it with Commiefornia! High crime high taxes and Gov doesn't do shit.
Why Is Nothing Being Done About Looters?
by minimus 51 Replies latest jw friends
He wants to add more taxes to clean the state up.😒
Anon , maybe more countries than USA have BLM ( whatever that is ) but most don't have looting and gun problems . That seems to be something peculiar to America.
I have just realised Black Lives Matter? Doh 🙄 . As l said it's only America with the particular issues being discussed .
Anony Mous
@Jan: BLM looters destroyed property and fought police in London, Brussels, Madrid, Amsterdam and other major cities across Europe as well as Australia, Canada and other countries.
The fact you don’t know about it is a bigger problem, which is the mainstream media actively hiding the facts.
As far as guns, the US is somewhere middle-ish in regards violent crime. The UK is worse, even Norway and Denmark have orders of magnitude more crime than the US.
resolute Bandicoot
Anony Mous
As far as guns, the US is somewhere middle-ish in regards violent crime. The UK is worse, even Norway and Denmark have orders of magnitude more crime than the US.
You forgot to mention Sweden, really good reason why the recent shift in these countries.
I'm not sure where those facts come from but l have been doing some digging which underlines my own experience of life in the UK .
The figures for gun murders in the US compared to the UK are much the same wherever you look . There are far more gun murders in America than Britain .
Roughly 4.46 per 100000 US compared to 0.02 UK deaths .
Brits don't like guns , don't own guns and are largely bemused by the American obsession with them .
I would have no idea where to buy a gun . The fact that in America they are readily available in supermarkets is just weird to Brits . Guns simply do not figure in the British psyche.
Anony Mous
@Jan: how about knife murders? Should we ban knives in the UK as well?
In the UK 1.6% of the population is victim to violent crime annually and this has increased annually since guns were banned. In the US it is 0.3%, and this has decreased since the Clinton ban on assault weapons expired, thus lower crime rates is partially due to the presence of guns in society. -
Yes we have a problem with knife crime , as to the stats l will check that. Your previous post implied that the UK and other European countries had worst gun crime than the US which isn't right .
Someone with a knife is unlikely to commit multiple murders like those seen all to often in the US with mass shootings too easy to perpetrate with automatic weapons.
Unfortunately kitchen knives can be used to kill or maim so the banning of knives would be impossible .
Anony Mous
@jan: once again, those tropes don’t bear out reality. The recent London massacre was performed by knife and couldn’t be stopped because nobody had guns, the facts are that more people have died in mass shootings and mass terrorism in general in Europe than in the US. In the Western World, Norway and France top the list in mass shooting deaths but Asia and Africa have places with higher numbers. The problem is once again, the media, the EU is treated as if it were a mass of different countries whereas the US gets its entire population lumped together. Just as with COVID, if you were to treat US states like we treat EU states in statistics, you’d see a particular trend which doesn’t comply with the media narrative that gun control works. Top US states: Illinois, California and New York.