Living with Islam

by fulltimestudent 71 Replies latest social current

  • Simon
    You've seen a glimpse of his views above and below you see the Republican politicians who are dying to be seen with him. Why?
    We should all be familiar with these people since they can impact this nation.

    They entertain us during an election cycle with their idiocy but c'mon - the Republicans are simply not electable. They can't help themselves and will pick a candidate that is a loon.

    When it comes down to it, not enough people will vote for someone dangerous like Huckerbee the Duggar Lover.

  • freemindfade

    Village I think that is a religious hell hole. But I don't know what part of the country you are in but the populous parts are not. Not by any stretch. It's awful but it's small.

    Sharia law a major part of Islam violates everything democracy stands for. We could easily admit not all forms of government are equal and some are even dangerous. Religion is no different.

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot


    Swanson doesn't advocate the death penalty for gays but Islam does.

    These men are clearly very extreme and only represent themselves.

    Swanson stated in a radio podcast:

    A Christian perspective ultimately brought the death penalty upon homosexuality between roughly 350 AD and roughly 1850 or so, for about 1,500 years that form of life had pretty much been eliminated except here and there, it was in the closet, but it was almost unheard of for over 1,000 years, until, until recently. Of course, now you have a massive, massive increase in this kind of thing.

    Swanson - Generations Radio: Chik-Fil-A and Boy Scouts Stand Strong - Miss Piggy on a Bun.


    ...the prosecution of homosexuality, as a general crime, began in the 200s, in the Christian era, when male prostitution was banned by Phillip the Arab. So there was the first, very, very first, Christian law that came into play about 200 years after Christ. So finally start to get some Christian law in place that reigned in this horrible, egregious activity....

    By the end of the 4th century, that is about the 380s, passive homosexuality under the Christian empire was punishable by burning and death by sword was the punishment for a man coupling like a woman under the Theodosian code.

    Under Justinian all same sex acts passive or active no matter who the partners were declared contrary to nature and punishable by death. Homosexual behavior was pointed to as causes for God’s wrath following a series of disasters around 542 and 559.

    Well that was the end of it for about a thousand years or 1200 years. So we had about 1200 year break where societies were enabled to build up and that’s how you get a reasonably decent Christian society...

    Swanson Generations Radio: The Shame of Sandusky and the Classical Greek University - Christian Ministries Soften on Homosexuality by Kevin Swanson. July 02, 2012

    As for whom they represent I can only stress once more that Republican politicians go to their events and talk shows.

    I won't continue to belabor this but the bottom line is that our greatest danger comes from within our culture. We're paying attention to one disease but not to the other cancer that has been growing within us for decades.

  • freemindfade
    I think radical Christianity is in remission here ;)
  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    When it comes down to it, not enough people will vote for someone dangerous like Huckerbee the Duggar Lover

    But I don't know what part of the country you are in but the populous parts are not. Not by any stretch. It's awful but it's small.

    In the US, underpopulated states can decide the election through the electoral votes, not a simple majority. George Bush Jr. won his first presidency with .5% less votes than Al Gore. Under populated red states can and have decided the fate of this nation (U.S.).

  • freemindfade
    Stop it. Our current president is a Muslim lol. Village where the hell do you live? I'm in a red state and they'd shit their pants over some of the wackos you're talking about.
  • Ruby456
    Sharia law a major part of Islam violates everything democracy stands for. We could easily admit not all forms of government are equal and some are even dangerous. Religion is no different.

    sharia law is open to change. for example, muslim states make changes to allow women to play political roles in keeping with women being more in public. another example is that sharia law is adapted to reflect and support democratic process and constitutional reform - although muslims tend to say these processes were already inherent in the Qu'ran and hadiths and this is true when one re-reads the verses in question as one finds that their flexibility allows for the new readings.

    Be careful because there are many scholars in the West who tend to reflect radical secularist and christian lenses and criticisms against the sharia law and their views are then popularised in the media. I'm not suggesting that sharia is uncontroversial - all I am saying is that it can be read and applied in different ways to suit changing contexts and needs.

  • smiddy

    How can you live with a religion that wants everybody who disagrees with it executed as infidels , a religion that executes other Muslims because they don`t practice their beliefs the way they do

    And lets not forget the barbaric way they dispose of those they disagree with.

    However long mankind has been on earth , there has been religion ,in one form or another

    And sooner or later their is conflict of one sort or another over who has the true religion, and which should affect the masses .

    I would love to be a fly on the wall if there were no religions of any kind , anywhere in the world , and see what a difference that would make.

    I don`t profess to say it would be any better , or for that matter if it would be any worse ,however I would love to see it .

    I know it`s a pie in the sky dream . it will never happen .But I just wonder what it would be like.


  • 2+2=5

    Living without Islam. Ahhh sounds so nice. Let's all say it together.

    In fact all the ancient desert god's can get fucked and so can religion altogether.

    I haven't read this thread yet, ( I spend most of my time posting on what's become the "In my Pants thread"), but I am sure I am not the first to express their disdain for religion.

    We should have educated ourselves out of religion by 2015 as a species, it's embarrassing. It makes me sadder than Jehovah in Sparlock costume. That's some serious sads.

    I just don't get the faithful zealot type. No logic or reason behind any of the shit they spout, it's just pure escrement which is polished to a high sheen and given a shiny coating. It's only when it reaches the highest level of lustre that we can call it real faith. Ahh yes faith. Mmmm

  • Bangalore

    Quite fascinating to see the mental gymnastics being performed in order to defend the cult of Islam.


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